Monthly Archives: October 2009
Jobs are a climate change issue
The European Union is to support Just Transition, it seems. A 15 October Brussels coordinating conference of unions working on environmental issues heard an EU spokesperson reiterate that Europe is 100 per cent behind the inclusion of a Just Transition clause in the agreement to be sought at the UN climate change conference in Copenhagen […]
Older workers can do green jobs on site
There should be quotas of “mature-age” workers introduced on major government building projects in recognition of the gruelling and job threatening effect physical work can have over a working lifetime, the Australian construction union CFMEU has said. The union says good use could be made of older workers skills in “recycling and sustainability” and other less […]
Union ‘green’ reps save energy at work
The British government acknowledged on 7 October that employees have a key role to play in saving energy in their workplaces. In its response to the findings of an official consultation into the UK’s ‘Carbon Reduction Commitment’, the government has said the assessment of good practice on “disclosure of information on energy management” should include […]
It’s not jobs or the environment – it must be both
No se trata de empleos o medioambiente – tienen que ser los dos, dicen los sindicatos mundiales Saving the planet can also save the communities struggling most with the economic downturn, according to global union body ITUC. “We are gravely concerned about jobs in many traditional industries that stand to be hit badly by measures to tackle […]
UK Green Party backs Just Transition
The UK’s Green Party is backing green jobs and just transition, and says the green economy plan should be formulated in consultation with trade unions. Green Party leader Caroline Lucas, speaking at a just transition workshop at the party’s autumn conference, said the issue of green jobs and just transition are “enshrined” in the party’s manifesto. […]
Adopt-a-Dinosaur for clean energy jobs
Australian union federation ACTU is urging union members to “adopt a dinosaur”, in a campaign for clean energy jobs. The national union body says 20 years ago Australia was a leader in solar technologies. “But we failed to support the industry and our best and brightest went overseas. We don’t want to miss out again. […]
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Environmental groups back Just Transition
Environmental groups are to back the international trade union call for a ‘Just Transition’ for those whose jobs are targeted for phase out as a result of December’s UN climate change negotiations in Copenhagen. The 3 October issue of ‘Eco’ [pdf], the news bulletin on climate change negotiations published by a network of environmental groups, includes […]
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The green economy must address poverty
Check out this YouTube video clip, which says a green economy must address poverty. It highlights the oft-missed point that a green economy can’t be just for the “eco chic” who can afford to buy a hybrid car or put solar panels on their second home. It’s also for those struggling to find their bus fare or to keep a […]
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The human price of dangerous work
Badly managed ‘green’ industries cause human tragedies as readily as their non-green industrial counterparts. Bert Reeves, 62, was fatally injured when a skip lorry at a waste recycling company reversed over him at a transfer station on 21 June 2007. Shanley and Sons Ltd was fined £80,000 and ordered to pay costs of £25,000 at a […]
How to create 1m UK green jobs