Tag Archives: TUC

What’s union, green and read all over?

There’s been a flurry of activity from the US national union confederation AFL-CIO, as it fleshes out its green jobs activities. And you can find out all about it in regular online briefings. The National Labor College (NLC) and the AFL-CIO’s Center for Green Jobs have launched a monthly online Green Labor Journal to outline […]
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Union ‘green’ reps save energy at work

The British government acknowledged on 7 October that employees have a key role to play in saving energy in their workplaces. In its response to the findings of an official consultation into the UK’s ‘Carbon Reduction Commitment’, the government has said the assessment of good practice on “disclosure of information on energy management” should include […]
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Just transition on the global agenda

Trade unions are keeping on the pressure to ensure “Just Transition” remains on the agenda for December’s UN climate change summit in Copenhagen. Union representatives who will form part of the ITUC delegation at the Copenhagen meeting met this week with Michael Zammit Cutajar, who will chair the UN negotiations. The union side “expressed their […]
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Britain: Unions ‘working on change’

A new publication on unions and climate change will be launched this week at the national congress of UK national trade union confederation TUC. The discussion document, produced by the environmental thinktank Green Alliance, includes contributions from union leaders including Jack Dromey of Unite, Sally Hunt of UCU, Paul Noon of Prospect, Keith Sonnet of […]
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