Monthly Archives: May 2010
US president’s panel calls for cancer precaution
Policymakers in the US should abandon a reactionary approach to regulation of cancer causing chemicals and champion a precautionary approach, top advisers to Barack Obama have said. Their report comes on the heels of a UK study of occupational cancer numbers which shows the official estimates cited routinely by both US and UK authorities have […]
Posted in Uncategorized Tagged environmental cancer, Hazards, HSE, occupational cancer, OSHA, precautionary approach, President's Cancer Panel Comments closed
Can Samsung be green and cancerous?
On 31 March 2010, 23-year-old Park Ji-yeon died of leukaemia. She contracted the blood cancer at the age of 20 after working at the Samsung semiconductor factory in Onyang, South Korea. Her case is part of a cancer cluster affecting workers at the microelectronics giant. Samsung’s response to a high profile campaign for justice for […]
Deadly criminals need policing
Whether the problem is blood spilled in the workplace or oil spilled in the oceans, a series of recent disasters show why more regulation of profit-hungry industries is needed. “Twenty-nine dead coal miners in West Virginia, seven dead workers at an oil refinery in Washington State and 11 dead on a Gulf of Mexico oil […]
Posted in Uncategorized Tagged BP, Health and Safety Executive, Leo Gerard, Massey Energy, USW Comments closed
We told you BP couldn’t be trusted