Tag Archives: HSE
Anatomy of a cancer cover up
The UK’s official workplace health and safety watchdog is helping the microelectronics industry cover up worrying evidence of occupational cancer risks, a campaign group has charged. Phase Two, which represents workers who believe their health was damaged by exposures at National Semiconductor’s (NSUK) plant in Greenock, Scotland, was speaking out on the 24 August publication […]
Posted in Uncategorized Also tagged cancer, Health and Safety Executive, microelectronics, National Semiconductor, Phase Two Comments closed
US president’s panel calls for cancer precaution
Policymakers in the US should abandon a reactionary approach to regulation of cancer causing chemicals and champion a precautionary approach, top advisers to Barack Obama have said. Their report comes on the heels of a UK study of occupational cancer numbers which shows the official estimates cited routinely by both US and UK authorities have […]
Posted in Uncategorized Also tagged environmental cancer, Hazards, occupational cancer, OSHA, precautionary approach, President's Cancer Panel Comments closed
Waste and recycling is a sick industry
Workers in the UK waste and recycling industry have much higher sickness rates than other local authority workers, research by a Health and Safety Executive (HSE) agency has found. Review of sickness absence data in the waste and recycling industry, a report prepared by the Health and Safety Laboratory (HSL), found the sector recorded more […]
The human price of dangerous work
Badly managed ‘green’ industries cause human tragedies as readily as their non-green industrial counterparts. Bert Reeves, 62, was fatally injured when a skip lorry at a waste recycling company reversed over him at a transfer station on 21 June 2007. Shanley and Sons Ltd was fined £80,000 and ordered to pay costs of £25,000 at a […]
Britain: New programme on green energy risks
The UK Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has launched a new initiative in “response to government plans to introduce alternative (non-nuclear) energy technologies to combat climate change.” It says its Emerging Energy Technologies (EET) Programme, which includes new online resources, is HSE’s attempt to address the health and safety implications of the government’s drive “to […]
Posted in Uncategorized Also tagged Britain, green energy, Health and Safety Executive Comments closed
Hey, they were only workers – have an award