Tag Archives: Recycling
We told you lead was dangerous
Earlier this month, this blog reported that although more than half of the lead we use worldwide is recycled, something presented by the industry as a major green advance, production of the known poison, carcinogen, neuro- and reprotoxin is increasing (Lead – a case of right answer, wrong question). And those workers involved in recycling activities […]
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Lead – a case of right answer, wrong question
Green initiatives like recycling can have remarkable successes. But that doesn’t necessarily mean they are good for the planet, communities or those working in ‘green’ jobs. A 2009 report, ‘World Mineral Production 2003-2007’ [pdf], notes that more than 50 per cent of refined lead is now produced from recycled material, dramatically reducing energy consumption during […]
The human price of dangerous work
Badly managed ‘green’ industries cause human tragedies as readily as their non-green industrial counterparts. Bert Reeves, 62, was fatally injured when a skip lorry at a waste recycling company reversed over him at a transfer station on 21 June 2007. Shanley and Sons Ltd was fined £80,000 and ordered to pay costs of £25,000 at a […]
Global: Not glamorous, but green
Everybody is talking about green jobs. Well, at least about the more glamorous and desirable ones: green architects, wind power engineers, solar technicians, etc. But, reports Michael Renner of the Worldwatch Institute, by far the most numerous green jobs in the world – at least 15 million – are a little bit like a dirty […]
First lead, now mercury makes a toxic comeback