The Blacklist Support Group (BSG) is calling on all supporters, Trades Councils and trade union branches to organise an event in your area for the TUC Day of Action on Blacklisting.The nationwide event will take place on 20 November.
BSG suggests groups should protest outside a building site being run by a blacklisting company or should target a public body still using blacklisting firms to provide public services. This is an official TUC sponsored Day of Action, so all unions in an area should work together to coordinate action.
Whether it is a protest, a media event or direct action please take pix and post on social media and contact the local press to ensure the story runs everywhere.
Use the hashtags #blacklisting #N20 #BSG
Ideas to maximise the chances of getting media coverage:
Blacklisted T-shirts, banners, placards, PA (play some music not just speakers on a megaphone), hand in a giant oversized protest letter, inflatable rat, it’s just been firework night so make a guy in a suit with a Cullum McAlpine face mask, blacklisted workers have been locked out of work so a big padlock & chain might come in handy. Whatever you do – make it visual.
7:00am – Protest at Laing O’Rourke, Cheesegrater, Leadenhall St, City of London (opposite Lloyds Building)
10:00am – Protest at Laing O’Rourke, Francis Crick Medical Research Centre, Kings Cross (behind the British Library)
1:00pm – TUC protest with MPs & 4 union General Secretaries, College Green, Parliament Sq, Westminster
2:00pm – TUC Lobby of MPs, House of Commons
3:30pm – House of Commons Committee Room 11 – John McDonnell MP chairs BSG meeting speakers: Sean Curran (GCR solicitors for High court claim) & blacklisted workers.
12:00pm – STUC protest outside Holyrood
1:00pm – film show inside Holyrood organised by Neil Findlay MSP
transport from Glasgow via:
12:00 WTUC event – Senedd media briefing room. Speakers include Andy Richards Unite, Nick Blundell UCATT, Martin Hird GMB and Jane Hutt the finance minister.
Anyone wishing to attend contact:
7:15am – Manchester Town Hall protest against NG Bailey – organised by BSG – speakers include blacklisted workers: Graham Bowker, Colin Trousdale, George Tapp
There are also a number of direct action events taking place across the country. Send us the details of your event and we will update this list to maximise a turnout at every protest.
UCATT co-ordinated/promoted 20 November events in:
Newcastle, Manchester, London, Leeds, Eastern England, Cardiff, Birmingham and Edinburgh.