Britain: Government pledge to end blacklists

The government has pledged to put an end to blacklisting of safety reps and other union activists. Harriet Harman, deputy leader of the Labour Party, told the House of Commons: “I don’t think a trade union health and safety representative should find they are on a blacklist and will never be able to work again.”
UCATT news releaseContract JournalBuildingConstruction NewsThe ScotsmanThe GuardianEDM 1020 – Blacklisting in constructionRisks 398 • 21 March 2009

Britain: Action threat over employee blacklist

The glittering list of contractors accused of using a ‘construction blacklist’ to vet potential employees are bracing themselves for the legal and political fallout. Unions UCATT and Unite are both seeking legal advice on suing some of the 45 contractors named in the list, while Labour MP Michael Clapham has tabled an Early Day Motion deploring the existence of the list.
ICO news release [pdf] • briefing on the Consulting Association and related ICO enforcement notice [pdf] • Construction NewsThe Guardian and related story and audio reportBBC News OnlineContract Journal and related storyFinancial Times • The TimesThe TelegraphRisks 397 • 14 March 2009

Britain: Law needed to outlaw blacklisting

Unions have called for the urgent introduction of new laws to protect workers from blacklisting. Regulations were due to be introduced a decade ago, but where shelved when the government said there was insufficient evidence the practice took place.
TUC news releaseUCATT news release and related releaseUnite news releaseRMT news releaseSTUC news releaseRisks 397 • 14 March 2009