We are currently compiling our listing of global 28 April action; please contact Hazards with news of your
CGT Argentina The Argentinean Confederación General del Trabajo (CGT) joined this 28th April with a variety of actions, including union meetings in workplaces, the distribution of awareness raising materials on the impact bad occupational health and safety has on workers’ lives, the inclusion of a 28th April banner in all CGT affiliates’ websites, a commemoration ceremony in the CGT headquarters as well as their involvement in the 10th Argentinean OHS week through a dedicated booth.
For more information on CGT Argentina actions for 28th April, please contact Marta Pujadas
Actualizar En conmemoracion del 28 de Abril, en Argentina vamos por unnuevo paradigma el de la salud de los trabajadopres. mas
CTA Unions mobilise for health workers’ risks in
In the framework of this 28th April, the CTA Argentina will organize a two-day workshop on occupational health and safety the next 24-25 April. The workshop will first commemorate Andrea Gordillo and Margarita Véliz, two nurses which died a month ago after contracting Influenza A. The CTA will present preliminary results of their research on “Health workers’ health” and discuss the draft law on prevention of occupational risks.
The programme for the workshop is attached.
For more information on CTA activities for this 28th April, please contact Jorge Yabkowski or Guillermo Diaz jorgeyaco@gmail.com
CTA Los sindicatos se mobilizan contra los riesgos para los trabajadores de la salud en Argentina
En el marco de la jornada del 28 de abril, la CTA Argentina organiza un seminario de dos dias sobre la salud laboral. El seminario rendirá homenaje a Andrea Gordillo y Margarita Véliz, enfermeras que fallecieron luego de haber contraido la gripe A hace un mes. La CTA presentará también los resultados de un estudio preliminary sobre “la salud de los trabajadores de la salud” y participará a la audiencia pública sobre la LEY DE PREVENCIÓN Y REPARACIÓN DE DAÑOS DE LA CTA en el Congreso.
Se adjunta el programa de las jornadas.
Para mayor información sobre las actividades de la CTA para este 28 de Abril, contacte a Jorge Yabkowski o Guillermo Diaz jorgeyaco@gmail.com
CTA Les syndicats se mobilisent contre les risques pour les travailleurs de la santé en
Dans le cadre de la journée du 28 Avril, la CTA Argentine organise un séminaire de deux jours sur la santé au travail. Le séminaire honorera la mémoire d’Andrea Gordillo et Margarita Veliz, deux infirmières décédées après avoir contractée la grippe A il y a un mois. Le CTA présentera également les résultats d'une étude préliminaire sur «la santé des travailleurs de la santé» et participera à l'audience publique sur la LOI SUR LA PRÉVENTION ET RÉPARATION DES DOMMAGES de la CTA au Congrès.
Ci-joint le programme de la conférence.
Pour plus d'informations sur les activités du CTA pour ce Avril 28, contactez Jorge Yabkowski ou Guillermo Diaz jorgeyaco@gmail.com
• Photos from the VTHC meeting can see viewed here.
• A
report on the opening of the new National Workers' Memorial is here
• ACTU media release
• Canberra Times Asbestos victim remembered
AUSTRALIA Unions will hold rallies and family BBQs and inaugurate a new workers’ memorial in
For this 28th April, Australian trade unions will be holding activities across the country on a number of days, starting from a Rally in Brisbane, Queensland on Wednesday, 24 April. Of particular note this year is the Inauguration Ceremony of the National Workers Memorial in Australia’s capital, Canberra 28 April. The list of activities is attached.
For more information on trade union actions in Australia for this 28th April, please contact Margot Hoyte mhoyte@actu.org.au
Unions Australia Australian unions has produced the following video about Worker's Memorial Day. more
CFMEU Over the past 6 months CFMEU safety advisers have been called to Grocon sites more than 30 times. Grocon management has tried to stop them entering and doing their work. This is why the CFMEU will never give up our fight to have OHS and union reps elected on Grocon’s sites. The union is calling on members to 'Stop work' on 30 April as part of a long programme of Workers' Memorial Day activities.
AMWU The struggle to eliminate workplace deaths and injuries which cause enormous community trauma will be symbolised on International Workers Memorial Day this Sunday with the opening of a national monument in Canberra. more
AUSTRALIA Les syndicats organisent des rassemblements, des pique-niques et inaugurent un monument commémoratif en Australia.
Pour ce 28 Avril, les syndicats australiens tiendront des activités à travers le pays sur plusieurs jours, commençant le 24 Avril avec une manifestation à Brisbane, Queensland. On notera en particulier cette année, la cérémonie d'inauguration du Mémorial national des travailleurs dans la capitale de l'Australie, Canberra, le 28 Avril. La liste des activités est en pièce jointe.
AUSTRALIA Los sindicatos organizan manifestaciones, picnics e inauguran un monumento de conmemoración en Australia.
Para este 28 de abril, los sindicatos australianos llevarán a cabo actividades en todo el país durante varios dias, empezando con una reunión en Brisbane, Queensland el próximo miércoles, 24 de abril. Cabe destacar este año la Ceremonia de Inauguración del Monumento Nacional de los Trabajadores en la capital de Australia, Canberra el 28 de abril. Se adjunta la lista de actividades
OHSE/BLF Unions fight for compensation of victims & prevention of Occupational Diseases in Bangladesh
For this 28th April, the Bangladesh Labour Federation will organize an OHS seminar for shop stewards, hosted by the BLF President Brother Abu Zafar and the BLF GS Brother Delwar Hossain Khan. Members of the different committees of the BLF will join a candle lighting rally, in front of the National Press Club in Dhaka.
The Bangladesh Occupational Safety, Health and Environment Foundation (OSHE) will organize several events, including a National Tripartite Seminar on prevention of occupational diseases, and a workers’ procession at the Chittagoong ship-breaking yards, at 11am, demanding decent work in the ship-breaking sector.
The Tajreen Fashions Accident Victims Group will organize a public demonstration on 28 April 2013 (11.30am) in front of Muktangon, Dhaka remembering the fellow 112 co-workers lost lives and 200 critically injured at workplace on November 24, 2012, with a demand to Wal-Mart to pay due compensation to all accident victims of the Tajreen Fashions immediately and call-up the government take legal action against owner of the Tajreen Fashions for murdering of 112 innocent workers by locking of all exists during the time of fire occurred.
For more information on BLF activities for 28th April, please contact M. Shahadat Hossain
For more information on OSHE activities, please contact Repon Chowdhury
OHSE/BLF Les syndicats demandent la compensation des victimes et la prévention des maladies professionnelles au Bangladesh
Pour ce 28 Avril, la Fédération BLF du Bangladesh organiseront un séminaire sur la SST pour les délégués syndicaux, qui comptera avec la participation du President de la BLF Abu Zafar et le Sécretaire Générale de la BLF Delwar Hossain Khan. Les membres des différents comités de la BLF se joindront à un rassemblement avec allumage des bougies devant le Club de Presse de Dhaka.
La Fondation pour la sécurité et santé au travail du Bangladesh (OHSE) organise plusieurs événements, dont un séminaire national tripartite sur la prévention des maladies professionnelles, et un cortège des travailleurs dans les chantiers de démolition de Chittagoong à 11h, exigeant un travail décent dans le secteur du démantèlement des navires.
Les victimes du groupe Fashions Tajreen organiseront une manifestation publique le 28 Avril 2013 (11h30) devant Muktangon, Dhaka en souvenir de leur 112 collègues qui ont perdu la vie et les 200 grièvement blessés au travail le 24 Novembre 2012, avec une demande à Wal-Mart de payer une indemnisation à toutes les victimes de l'accident de Tajreen et appelant le gouvernement à suivre en justice le propriétaire des Fashions Tajreen pour le meurtre de 112 travailleurs innocents par le verrouillage des issues de secours lors d’un d'incendie.
OHSE/BLF Los sindicatos piden la compensación de las victimas y la prevención de las enfermedades profesionales en Bangladesh
Para este 28 de abril, la central BLF de Bangladesh organizará un seminario sobre la salud laboral para los delegados sindicales, que contará con la presencia del Presidente del sindicato, el Cro Abu Zafar y el Secretario General, el Cro. Delwar Hossain Khan. Los miembros de los diferentes comités de la BLF se unirán a una concentración con encendido de las velas, en frente del Club Nacional de Prensa en Dhaka.
La Fundación para la Seguridad y la Salud en el Trabajo de Bangladesh (OHSE) organiza varios eventos, incluyendo un seminario nacional tripartito sobre la prevención de las enfermedades profesionales, y una procesión de los trabajadores de la demolición de barcos en Chittagong, exigiendo trabajo decente en el sector del desguace de buques.
Las víctimas del grupo Fashions Tajreen organizan un acto público el 28 de abril 2013 (11:30) en Muktangon, Dhaka, en memoria de sus 112 compañeros que fallecieron y los 200 heridos de gravedad en el accidente del 24 de noviembre de 2012, pidiendo a Wal-Mart que pague una indemnización a todas las víctimas del accidente de Tajreen y llamando al gobierno a perseguir al propietario de Tajreen por el asesinato de 112 trabajadores inocentes, por medio del bloqueo de las salidas de emergencia en caso de incendio.
FGTB - C-DAST Unions debate on the difficult links between health protection and money.
On 28th April, the Fédération Générale du Travail de Belgique (FGTB), the Centre de Défense et d'Action pour la Santé des Travailleurs (C-DAST) and the Atelier Santé du Forum Social (ASFS) will organise an seminar in the Bois du Cazier. The seminar title is 'Health and money: a viable couple?’. The event location is symbolic: a restored coal mine in which 262 miners died in 1956 following a technical accident. For more information on FGTB/C-DAST/ASFS activities for this 28th April, please contact Philippe Vigneron,
FGTB - C-DAST Voici le programme définitif pour la Belgique
Lieu: Bois du casier
Descriptif: Le 28 Avril, la Fédération Générale du Travail de Belgique (FGTB), le Centre de Défense et d'Action pour la Santé des Travailleurs (C-DAST) et l'Atelier Santé du Forum Social (ASFS) organiseront un séminaire au Bois du Cazier. L'intitulé du séminaire est Accident du travail' . Le lieu de l'événement est symbolique: une mine de charbon restaurée dans laquelle 262 mineurs sont décédés en 1956 à la suite d'un accident technique. Programme
Pour plus d'informations sur les activités de FGTB/C-DAST/ASFS pour ce 28 avril, veuillez s'il vous plaît vous mettre en contact avec Philippe Vigneron
BERMUDA For this 28th April, Bermuda workers will join the global mobilisation by lighting a candle along with a moment of silence at 12.00 noon on Friday 26th. Some members will also light a candle on Sunday at the same time.
For more information on Bermuda’s activities for this 28th April, please contact Graham Nesbitt
FORÇA SINDICAL Trabalhadores fazem ato em memória às vitimas de acidente de trabalho. mais
UGT/FORÇA SINDICAL Unions will ask for the end of fatal accidents at work in
In the context of this 28th April, all Brazilian National Centers will mobilise in Sao Paolo commemorating those who have died or lost their health at work with a variety of events, including a major event on the 26th around the importance of a Safe work and a rally towards the workers’ memorial monument in Praça da Sé.
In addition to unitary actions, UGT affiliates will meet on the 24th and 25th for a series of seminars on psychosocial risks, including harassment, and “the right to happiness” • agenda
For more information on events in Brazil, please contact: Força Sindical • UGT
BWI construction union affiliates in Burkina Faso will attend a one day workshop targeting members of the OHS committees.
CUPE Radio advert to mark International Workers' Memorial Day more
UNA Members of the United Nurses of Alberta will mark the April 28 Day of Mourning for Workers Killed and Injured on the Job by joining other union members and their supporters at memorial events across the province. UNA Locals interested in recognizing the Day of Mourning at their worksites can contact UNA for posters and stickers from the Workers' Compensation Board. Please contact Dewey Funk
BCFED British Columbia Federation of Labour 2013 Day of Mourning ceremony • poster
CLC Unions will focus on corporate criminal negligence For this 28th April, the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) will be organising over 130 events across the country, in collaboration with local labour councils and federations of labour. Despite changing Canada’s criminal code ten years ago, only two charges have been laid for corporate criminal negligence. As a result, much of the CLC focus on April 28th will be on working with local police and pressuring governments to ensure that employers who kill are prosecuted under the criminal code. In Montreal, they will be holding a rally combining the National Day of Mourning with a protest against changes to the Canadian Employment Insurance program. For more information please contact Andrea Peart
CLC Ce 28 avril, le Congrès du travail du Canada (CTC) organise plus de 130 événements à travers le pays, en collaboration avec les conseils locaux du travail et les fédérations syndicales. Malgré les modifications apportées au Code criminel du Canada il y a dix ans, seules deux accusations ont été portées à l’encontre de personnes morales pour négligence criminelle. En conséquence, le 28 avril, le CTC se concentrera sur la collaboration avec les services de police locaux et la pression à exercer sur les gouvernements pour garantir que les employeurs responsables d’accidents mortels en milieu de travail soient poursuivis en vertu du Code criminel. Un rassemblement aura lieu à Montréal associant le Jour national de deuil et une manifestation contre les modifications apportées au programme d'assurance-emploi du Canada. Pour plus d'informations sur ces événements, veuillez communiquer avec Andrea Peart
CSN Unions will demand bipartite OHS committees in all workplaces in Quebec
For this 28th April, the Confédération des syndicats nationaux (CSN) from Quebec will wear a black ribbon to commemorate workers who have lost their lives or get injured at work, and at 10am will organise a minute of silence in their memory.
Unions will be asking for bipartite occupational health and safety committees in all workplaces, and additional time for prevention. They will also distribute awareness-raising materials.
The national assembly will have its flag half-mast on 28th April following a demand from quebecois trade unions.
For more information on CSN activities for this 28th April, please contac Judith Carroll
CSN Ce 28 avril, les membres de la Confédération des syndicats nationaux (CSN) porteront un ruban noir pour commémorer les travailleuses et les travailleurs morts et blessés du travail et, à 10 heures, une minute de silence sera observée dans tous nos milieux de travail.
Les revendications syndicales sont : un comité paritaire de santé et de sécurité dans tous les milieux de travail et plus de temps alloué pour faire de la prévention. Des outils de sensibilisation ont été distribués dans les syndicats.
Il est important de souligner qu’après des années de demandes répétées auprès du gouvernement du Québec de la part de certaines organisations syndicales dont la CSN le drapeau de l’Assemblée nationale sera en berne le 28 avril. Ce geste symbolique est d’une grande importance pour les travailleuses et travailleurs du Québec.
Pour plus d'informations sur les activités au Québec pour ce 28 avril, veuillez s'il vous plaît vous mettre en contact avec Mme Judith Carroll
CAW Workers' Memorial Day song written and performed by Emil Mesic from CAW Local 707. Emil performed his song at CAW Council in Port Elgin, ON.
UFCW poster marks April 28 — National Day of Mourning for Workers Killed or Injured on the Job
A stark and particularly gruesome morgue image calls attention to the National Day of Mourning for Workers Killed and Injured on the Job, recognised each April 28, on a new workplace poster issued by the UFCW Canada National Office.
With the tag line “Your Name Here,” the poster reminds members that on-the-job safety issues are a major concern, and that many workers are injure and killed while trying to make a living. “Workplace safety is an extremely serious issue,” says UFCW Canada National President Wayne Hanley. “We hope that this will help catch and focus members’ attention on our ongoing fight for workplace safety while remembering those lives that have been lost.”
Copies of the poster have been mailed to all UFCW Canada local unions and are available on request. The image can also be downloaded • poster
CCOHS CCOHS has issued a 'Day of mourning' bulletin.
UATUC Unions focused on prevention for healthy workplaces in Croatia
Today (24 April), the Union of Autonomous Trade Unions of Croatia (UATUC) held a conference along with representatives of other trade union confederations, employers and relevant institutions, including ministries, inspection and health agencies. The role of trade unions in prevention has been highlighted by Mladen Novosel, UATUC president. The union will also take part at the marking of OSH Day in Croatia, organized by the National Council for OSH, on Friday, 26 April. The ceremony will be the occasion to award the Life Achievement Award for the results in OSH.
For more information on UATUC activities for this 28th April, please contact Dijana Šobota
CMKOS Unions will focus on the role of education for OHS in Czech Republic.
For this 28th April, the Czech - Moravian Confederation of Trade Unions (CMKOS) will organise a commemoration activity with candle ceremony followed by a seminar for the health and safety experts of affiliated unions, from the centre as well as regions. The representatives of the CMKOS, of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and of other institutions involved will participate in this event.
This year the title of the topic to be dealt with is "Education for safety and healthy lifestyle".
For more information on CMKOS activities for this 28th April, please contact Miroslav Kosina cmkos@cmkos.cz
Congo-Kinshasa Unions show unity of action on OHS in Democratic Repubic of Congo
For the first time in the DRC, all trade union confederations will come together around this 28th April, to launch the “OHS inter-union committee”. In this occasion, all national centers will expose their vision on OHS and provide a space for testimonies from workers on OHS risks and diseases.
For more information on trade union actions in DRC for this 28th April, please contact Isabelle Kapinga
Congo-Kinshasa Les syndicats montrent de l’unité dans l’action sur la SST dans la Republique Democratique du Congo
Pour la première fois en RDC, toutes les confédérations syndicales se réuniront autour de ce 28 Avril pour lancer l’intersyndicale de la SST. A cette occasion, tous les centrales nationales participantes exposeront leur vision sur la SST et offriront un espace de témoignages aux travailleurs sur les risques et les maladies liées à la SST.
Congo-Kinshasa Los sindicatos muestran unidad de acción en SSL en la República Democrática del Congo
Por primera vez en la República Democrática del Congo, todas las confederaciones sindicales se reunirán en torno a este 28 de abril, para lanzar el "comité intersindical SSL". En esta ocasión, todas las centrales expondrán su visión sobre la salud y seguridad laboral y proporcionarán un espacio para que los trabajadores den su testimonio sobre los riesgos y las enfermedades vinculados al trabajo.
BWI affiliates will undertake health and safety inspections in Amara Region, Bahir Dar Town, 560 km from Addis Ababa. During the event an OHS meeting is planned with employers and union OHS representatives. A candle will be lit at a site where workers were killed.
CETU Unions will rally for safer workplaces in
For this 28th April, the CETU Ethiopia will repeat the success of last years’ rally (photo attached) and call on workers to march for safe workplaces, showing the importance the labour movement gives to occupational health and safety.
For more information on CETU Ethiopia activities for this 28th April, please contact Demis Wondaferew
CETU Les syndicats se manifestent pour des lieux de travail surs en
Pour ce 28 Avril la centrale CETU d’Ethiopie répétera l’initiative d’organiser une manifestation, opération réussite l’année dernière (photo ci-jointe) et appellera les travailleurs à se mobiliser pour des lieux de travail sûrs, montrant l'importance donnée par le mouvement syndical à la santé et sécurité au travail.
CETU Los sindicatos se manifiestan por un lugar de trabajo seguro en Ethiopia
Para este 28 de abril la central CETU de Etiopía repetirá la iniciativa de organizar una manifestación, que se llevó a cabo con éxito el año pasado (foto adjunta) y llamará a los trabajadores a movilizarse por lugares de trabajo seguros, mostrando la importancia dada por el movimiento sindical a la salud y la seguridad laboral.
IAU/SAK The aviation union IAU/SAK reports a seminar for 600 participants on 26 April will form part of Workers' Memorial Day activities. more
A Tia I Mua Unions will lay wreaths in French Polynesia.
At 8am this 28th April, the members of A Tia I Mua trade union will lay wreaths at Papeete war memorial (French Polynesia).The trade union will renew its call for the government to build a memorial for injured and dead workers in Papeete.
For more information on A Tia I Mua activities for this 28th April, please contact Tu Yan
GABON Unions will present their priorities in a government-led meeting in Gabon.
In the context of this 28th April, unions in Gabon will be represented by their unitary OHS committee "the Intersyndicale" in a symposium organised by the Social Security department, focusing on prevention of occupational risks. The Seminar will take place next Monday and Tuesday.
For more information on the Gabonese Intersyndicale on OHS, please contact EBOUGOU Patricia
Gibraltar "As Gibraltar celebrates Workers Memorial Day, let us not forget that today is the 62nd Annivesary of the BEDENHAM explosion - that day 62 years ago is now part of Gibraltar's history...a very sad day when The Rock was ripped apart by the mid-morning explosion at 39 Berth Gun Wharf. Let us remember the victims and their families..." read more
AMRC: Update from Omana George
Here is a brief update on the activities that took place in Hong Kong on April 28. We had the march and tribute for dead and injured workers on Hong Kong Island in the morning organised by ARIAV, Hong Kong. The march had participation from the workers, trade unions, HK NGOs, victims, their families and activists. Attached are pictures of the morning activities. In addition there was a display in Mongkok district on Zhili fire organised by AMRC, LAC and other groups with our ANROEV China coordinator Chen Yuying who is a survivor of the Zhili fire present in Hong Kong for the event. AMRC and other HK labour groups held an exhibition on 20th anniversary of Zhili factory fire incident in Mong Kok Pedestrian Area to raise awareness and concern on OSH. The victims of Zhili Fire Incident are still bear the pain and organizations hope the public to recall this tragedy and urge consumers to push international brands to improve OSH situation of workers and to protect their basic rights. Pictures attached from the links of the articles which covered this event in Chinese.
The Bandung Declaration endorsed by the ANROEV network in 2010 continues to remain the backbone of our work.
ARIAV: Update from Chan Kam Hong
"Dear friends, Greeting from Hong Kong! ARIAV have organized the workers memorial day since 1996. There were more than 300 injured workers, occupational workers(asbestos, and silicons patients included) and the widows from work accidents participated yesterday, The participated organization included HKCTU(worker union) and NWSC(socail service) We marched to the headqurter of the government and lied down outside, to show that more than 200 workers dead every year. We strike for the better occupational health and safty regulation, compensation. Thanks!" Chan Kam Hong Association for the Rights of Industrial Accident Victims.
CIWU In response to an accident involving a concrete mixer truck which injured 16 workers on the 9 April, the Construction Industry Workers Union will deliver campaign materials to explain the relationship between employment, working conditions, OSH and road safety.
ARIAV The Association for the Rights of Industrial Accident Victims -28th of April - Workers' Memorial Day.
There will be a march from Wan Chai Southorn Playground to the headquarters of the Government Offices organised by ARIAV and supported by the local labour movement and ANROEV member organisations in the morning of April 28 at 10 am.
In addition, an exhibition on Zhili fire will held by LAC, ARIAV and other organisations on Sai Yeung Choi Street South, Mong Kok, Kowloon, Hong Kong in the afternoon. More details: Omana George
LIGA Unions take Budapest’s city center for a flash mob in HUNGARY
For this 28th April, the LIGA Trade Union in Hungary will organise a spectacular flash mob in the city center of Budapest, representing an occupational accident. On one of the busiest squares, Deák Ferenc Square they are planning to put a container with building waste material on the square (depicting a construction site), accompanied by an artistic performance and flyers’ distribution containing health and safety data in Hungary and worldwide. Attention will be given to the role trade unions play in preventing accidents.
For more information on LIGA activities for this 28th April, please contact Eszter Labancz
LIGA Les syndicats prennent le centre-ville de Budapest pour une flash mob en HONGRIE
Pour cette 28 Avril le syndicat LIGA d’Hongrie va organiser une flash mob spectaculaire dans le centre-ville de Budapest, représentant un accident du travail. Sur l'une des places les plus fréquentées, la place Deák Ferenc ils exposeront un container avec des matériaux de construction (représentant un chantier de construction), accompagnée d'une performance artistique et la distribution de flyers contenant des données sur la santé et sécurité en Hongrie et dans le monde. Une attention particulière sera accordée au rôle des syndicats dans la prévention des accidents.
Pour plus d'informations sur les activités LIGA pour ce 28 Avril s'il vous plaît contactez Eszter Labancz
LIGA Los sindicatos toman el centro de Budapest con un flash mob en HUNGRÍA
Para este 28 de abril, el sindicato LIGA de Hungría organizará un flash mob espectacular en el centro de la ciudad de Budapest, representando un accidente de trabajo. En una de las plazas más concurridas, Deák Ferenc, colocaran un recipiente para desechos de la construcción (que representaria un sitio de construcción), acompañado de un espectáculo artístico y distribución de volantes con datos sobre salud y seguridad en Hungría y en todo el mundo. También se focalizaran en el papel que desempeñan los sindicatos en la prevención de accidentes.
Para obtener más información sobre las actividades de la Liga para este 28 de abril, por favor póngase en contacto con Eszter Labancz
CWU/PTRC The Construction Workers' Union and the People's Training and Resource Centre have organised a programme of events from 24 April to 30 April at different locations across Gujarat - Ahmedabad, Surat, Baroda, Junagadh, Khmabhat and Ambaji. Further information: Jagdish Patel
BWI affiliates in India will participate in occupational health and safety awareness raising events at construction sites being organised by unions (training, worksite inspections, safety demonstrations etc, highlighting safety concerns in the media and arrange candlelight vigils. These activities are listed below:
TCWF OHS awareness for Chennai Metro Rail Workers, submission of memorandum to government and Chennai Metro Rail management highlighting workers’ issues
NMS Organise demonstration to highlight the Mumbai building collapse in first week of April 2013, submission of letter to Chief Minister for better working conditions for construction workers and organising press conference
BMS To organise safety week with events ranging from OHS training for mine workers, human chain formation, meeting with accident victims in different parts of Gujarat state
KKNTC Rally and candle light vigil event
DANMU: OHS awareness at major construction sites, distribution of construction welfare board cards, candle light vigil, submission of letter to government to support listing of Chrysotile Asbestos at the upcoming Rotterdam Convention Meeting
INCWF OHS Training for Cement Workers at Ambuja plant in Chhattisgarh state
FKUI BWI affiliate FKUI will participate events calling for an asbestos ban.
CGIL-CISL-UIL-UG Unions mobilise for an asbestos-free country in Italy. On 28th April, all Italian trade union confederations CGIL-CISL-UIL-UGL together with asbestos’ victims’ associations will mobilise in major Italian cities, raising awareness on asbestos-related risks, and launching a major campaign for raising funds for research for asbestos-related diseases.
Targetted activities are already organized in 15 cities, including Casale Monferrato, sadly known for the Eternit “affair”. Other cities include Broni, Monfalcone, Taranto, Ferrara, La Spezia, Padova, Ravenna, Matera, Civitavecchia, Nuoro, Pisa, Siracusa, Bari and Pavia.
CGIL-CISL-UIL-UGL Le 28 Avril, les confédérations syndicales italiennes CGIL-CISL-UIL-UGL avec des associations des victimes de l'amiante se mobilisent dans les grandes villes italiennes pour sensibiliser la population aux risques liés à l'amiante, et lancer une grande campagne de collecte de fonds pour la recherche sur les maladies liées à l'amiante.
Des activités son prévues dans 15 villes, y compris Casale Monferrato, tristement connu pour l’affaire Eternit. D'autres villes incluent Broni, Monfalcone, Taranto, Ferrara, La Spezia, Padoue, Ravenne, Matera, Civitavecchia, Nuoro, Pise, Siracusa, Bari et Pavie.
CGIL-CISL-UIL-UGL El 28 de abril, las confederaciones sindicales italianas CGIL-CISL-UIL-UGL junto con las asociaciones de víctimas del amianto manifestarán en las principales ciudades de Italia para crear conciencia sobre los riesgos relacionados con el amianto, y lanzar una gran campaña para recaudar fondos para la investigación de enfermedades relacionadas con el amianto.
Las actividades han sido programadas en 15 ciudades, incluyendo Casale Monferrato, famoso por el caso “Eternit”. Otras ciudades incluyen Broni, Monfalcone, Taranto, Ferrara, La Spezia, Padua, Rávena, Matera, Civitavecchia, Nuoro, Pisa, Syracuse, Bari y Pavía.
ICTU This year the ICTU will hold a national event in the Chester Beatty Library, Dublin Castle, to mark Workers Memorial Day. Speakers include David Begg, Congress General Secretary, Martin OHalloran CEO Health and Safety Authority and Breffni McGuinness on Workplace Bereavement; other speakers have also be invited to give their reflections. Minute silence at 12:00 midday. More details • poster • poster PDF
BWI All four BWI construction union affiliates in Kenya are to participate in an ongoing programme of health and safety awareness-raising that began last year. This year there will be a presentation on OHS regulation, provision of PPE and on OHS structures.
FANIBABCOM BWI affiliate FENIBABCOM will organise a media campaign to highlight issues emerging from a Public Conference on OHS that will be take place in Bamako on 28th April.
MGWU Unions will ask public institutions to fly their flags half mast in Malta.
For this 28th April, the Maltese General Workers’ Union will be organizing a seminar for shopstewards and safety reps. They will also issue a press release for the general public to commemorate 28th April. The press release will also be asking all institutions to fly their flags half mast as a tribute for those who lost their lives at work.
For more information on this event, please contact Joe Carabott
CMWEU The BWI affiliate in Mauritius, the construction, Metal, Wooden and related Industries Employees Union (CMWEU), will be holding a workshop from 28th April to 30th April on newly introduced regulations on Occupational Health and Safety (OHS), targeting Union delegates. On 26th April pamphlets will be
distributed to inform workers about 28th April celebrations at workplaces.
Mexico Unions will organize a seminar on OHS with maquila workers in Mexico
For this 28th April, the Mexican national center CTM will be organising a seminar on OHS with the Maquila industry trade union from Matamoros. They will be joined by the Spanish Embassy, the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, CONOCER, the Mexican OHS and labour inspectorates, among others. Participants will receive t-shirts highlighting the importance of Occupational Health and Safety.
CNSM Unions hold a debate on prevention of occupational diseases in the Republic Of Moldova
On 26 April 2013, the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova (CNSM) will organize a round table on “Prevention of Occupational Diseases” with participation of social partners. Around 400 participants will discuss different issues and try to identify solutions in this field. The event also includes flyers’ distribution with regard to occupational diseases.
Also, families of workers who died in the workplace in 2012 will receive financial support.
The trade union newspaper “People’s Voice” and local mass-media will disseminate information on CNSM’s activities for 28 April.
For more information on this event, please contact Nina Zghibarta
ILO Liaison Office in MYANMAR International Workers Memorial Day this year will be commemorated at a Labour Organisation Leaders' Forum, representing all 426 unions registered under the new Labour Organisation Law, to be held in Yangon on the 28-29 April.
This will be the first time that WMD has been observed in Myanmar since unions again became legal from March 2012, after 50 years of suppression of freedom of association.
The Forum is being sponsored by the ILO and the Fredriech Ebert Stiftung (FES).
MANWU Branch organisers from the construction union MANWU will gather on 28th April at Taupeles Camping site at Rehoboth under the theme “Union make construction Work Safer”. The target group will include young workers and women workers.
CAWUN/CUPPEC, affiliates of the global union federation BWI, will be organising OHS awareness activities at selected union organising sites and a candlelight vigil to remember the dead.
NZCTU Unions will focus on victims of forestry sector accidents in New Zeland
For this 28th April, the New Zealand Council of Trade Unions is holding a memorial service for the families of the many forestry workers who have died in this industry. Unions will highlight the accident rate in forestry and seek change.
A New Zealand forestry worker is 6 times more likely to die at work than a UK forestry worker, and twice as likely as an Australian forestry worker. Each death means a family, community, workplace loses someone they love. The NZCTU will be asking workers to stop working at midday on the 28th April.
They will also request KiwiRail to approve all trains stopping for one minute at the same time. Many memorial services will take place, including in Auckland, Dunedin, Christchurch, Hutt Shops, Port Napier, Hamilton and Tauranga/Mount Maunganui.
For more information on NZCTU activities for this 28th April, please contact Georgina McLeod
NLC Unions will focus on workers exposed to chemicals
For this 28th April, the Nigeria Labour Congress will commemorate the Workers’ Memorial Day on Monday April 29th with a Seminar that will be held in Abuja and Lagos simultaneously titled ''100 years of Nationhood, the state of Nigerian Workplaces: Issues Challenges and Prospects''. The Seminar will be part of the activities organised for the Workers Day for May 1st 2013. The seminar will focus on the situation of Safe Work in Nigerian Chemical Industries. Therefore, the target would be Workers from Textile, Chemical/Rubber/ Footwear, Petroluem and Agricultural Unions.
Thereafter, the Chair of the Nigeria Labour Congress Occupational Health and Safety Committee would address the Press/Media as a way of further lobbying the government and National Assembly to harmonise the Bill Occupational on Occupational Health and Safety which has already been passed by the two Houses of Parliament.
For more information on the NLC plans for this 28th April, please contact Maureen Chinelo Onyia
PGFTU Shaher Saeed, PGFTU General Secretary addressed a meeting of hundreds of workers in Jericho, Palestine, to mark International Workers' Memorial Day. more
SUNTRACS BWI affiliate SUNTRACS Panama will carry out demonstrations.
CATP Unions will identify workplace experiences on OHS in Peru.
For this 28th April, the Central Autonoma de Trabajadores del Peru (CATP) will commemorate workers with a minute of silence and organise a workshop on Occupational Health and Safety, where one of the dimensions will focus on the identification of woprkplace experiences by union shopstewards.
For more information on CATP activities for this 28th April, please contact Milagros Paz
IOHSAD The Institute for Occupational Health and Safety Development has planned a number of activities for the commemoration of Workers Memorial Day 2013. Activities • IOHSAD • Contact Noel Colina
NUCBW BWI affiliate NUBCW will campaign on green jobs.
ITUC The International Trade Union Confederation, as part of its campaign for fighting against workers' rights violations in Qatar, has highlighted the terrible conditions under which workers earn a living in this country. The tragic story of Bhupendra, a father who lives and works in Qatar and suffered from a tragic work injury is showcased as an example of qatar-based workers situation. The story can be watched here.
BWI's construction union affiliate marked Workers' Memorial Day on 25 April, with an event involving national and local government representatives and more than 500 members from different regions.
ISSET Unions will be working towards a united position for the national debate on OHS in Senegal
In the context of this year’s 28th April, the group bringing together all trade union centers from Senegal (the InterSyndicale Sécurité et Santé au Travail) will be organising a preparatory debate for the National Debate on OHS, which will soon be organised in Senegal.
Unions will be discussing for two days about different aspects of their OHS legislation and building a united front for ensuring new regulations go in the sense of more prevention and better occupational health and safety for Senegalese workers
For more information on this event, please contact Ousmane Diop
Scottish Hazards Campaign International Workers Memorial Day - Remember the Dead; Fight for the Living Please support events in your area. See Event listing for information about events in Scotland and internationally.
For those in or near Edinburgh, there is also a talk at 3pm on IWMD by Madhu Dutta - a long time labour and environmental justice campaigner in India: 'Mercury in the Mist - The ongoing toxic legacy of Unilever's mercury poisoning in Kodaikanal, India'. Event details
Scottish Hazards and FACK will be hosting an exhibition in the Scottish Parliament Garden Lobby Wednesday 24 and Thursday 25 April. Please urge your MSP to visit the exhibition and support our work. Further details: Kathy Jenkins
FKTU Unions will announce the “2013 deadliest enterprises” in SOUTH KOREA For this 28th April, the Federation of Korean Trade Unions (FKTU) will hold its 13th memorial service in front of a memorial to deceased and injured workers by the industrial accidents in Seoul. Along with other organisations, the FKTU will organise a media event to announce the 'Most Murderous Enterprises in 2013'.
For more information on FKTU activities for this 28th April, please contact Francis • Event details • Poster
FKTU Les syndicats annoncent les “entreprises les plus meurtrières” de 2013 en CORÉE DU SUD. Pour ce 28 Avril, la Fédération des syndicats coréens FKTU commeorera pour la 13e fois la Journée Internationale en commemoration des travailleurs morts et blesses face à un monument qui leur est dédié à Séoul. Avec d'autres organisations, la FKTU organisera un événement médiatique pour annoncer les “Entreprises les plus meurtrières de 2013”.
FKTU Los sindicatos anuncian “las empresas más criminales del 2013” en COREA DEL SUR. Para este 28 de abril, la Federación de Sindicatos de Corea (FKTU) celebrará su 13ª ceremonia conmemorativa en frente de un monument en memoria de los trabajadores fallecidos y lesionados por los accidentes de trabajo en Seúl. Junto con otras organizaciones, la FKTU organizará un evento de prensa para anunciar las "Empresas más criminales de 2013”.
NFTU Unions will show the real face of work accidents in Sri Lanka.
For this 28th April, the National Free Trade Union of Sri Lanka will hold its 5th Annual General Meeting on 28th of April 2013, coinciding with the International Commemoration Day. The union will highlight the case of a worker which has lost his 4 fingers and half of his palm (right hand) while working on a machine producing for a world famous textile brand, and as a consequence, he has lost his capacity to work and earn. This accident will illustrate NFTU upcoming campaign for a safe workplace.
For more information on NFTU Sri Lanka activities for this 28th April, please contact Leon Joseph Arulvasagam
NFTU Les syndicats montreront le vrai visage des accidents de travail au Sri Lanka.
Pour ce 28 Avril, le National Free Trade Union du Sri Lanka tiendra sa 5e assemblée générale annuelle coïncidant avec la Journée internationale de commémoration. Le syndicat mettra en évidence le cas d'un travailleur qui a perdu ses 4 doigts et la moitié de sa paume (main droite) en travaillant pour une marque de textile de renommée mondiale, et en conséquence, il a perdu sa capacité de travail. Cet accident va illustrer la prochaine campagne du NFTU pour des lieux de travail surs.
NFTU Los sindicatos muestran la verdadera cara de los accidentes de trabajo en Sri Lanka.
Para este 28 de abril, la National Free Trade Union de Sri Lanka celebrará su quinta reunión general anual coincidiendo con el Día Internacional de Conmemoración. El sindicato hará hincapié en el caso de un trabajador que ha perdido sus 4 dedos y media palma de su mano derecha mientras trabajaba en una máquina de producción para una marca de textil mundialmente famosa y, como consecuencia, perdió su capacidad de trabajo. Este accidente ilustrará la campaña de la NFTU en pos de un lugar de trabajo seguro.
Unions mobilise against cuts on occupational health and safety in
SPAIN On 28th April, the Spanish trade unions Comisiones Obreras (CCOO) and Union
General de Trabajadores (UGT) will mobilise against attempts to weaken workers’ protection, showing there are alternatives for decent and safe jobs.
Both trade union centers will organise hundreds of events, including seminars, rallies, debates, and press conferences across Spain aimed to underline the risks of the current deterioration of working conditions and the reduction of resources allocated to prevention of occupational risks in companies, which lead to a worst health and safety for people, including the risk of loosing their lives.
The manifesto is available here.
Another ITUC affiliate, USO will organise events under the slogan “your safety can not be cut” and has organised materials with FAQs on chemical risk. PosterFAQs and manifesto.
For more information on CCOO and UGT activities for this 28th April, please contact Mr Francisco Javier Torres Fernandez, jtorres@ccoo.es and Emilio Gonzalez Vicente eigonzalez@cec.ugt.org
Los sindicatos se movilizan contra los recortes en la salud laboral en España El 28 de abril, los sindicatos españoles Comisiones Obreras (CCOO) y Unión
General de Trabajadores (UGT) se movilizarán contra los intentos de debilitar la protección de los trabajadores, mostrando que hay alternativas para crear puestos de trabajo decentes y seguros.
Ambas centrales sindicales se organizan centenares de eventos, tales como seminarios, reuniones, debates y conferencias de prensa de toda España dirigidas a subrayar los riesgos del actual deterioro de las condiciones de trabajo y la reducción de los recursos destinados a la prevención de riesgos laborales en las empresas, que dan lugar a una peor salud y la seguridad de las personas, incluyendo el riesgo de perder sus vidas.
Otra afiliada de la CSI, la USO, organizará eventos bajo el lema "su seguridad no es recortable” y ha realizado materiales respondiendo a preguntas frecuentes sobre riesgo químico. (Cartel, manifiesto y preguntas frecuentes)
Para obtener más información acerca de las actividades de CCOO y UGT para este 28 de abril, por favor póngase en contacto con el Sr. Francisco Javier Torres Fernández, jtorres@ccoo.es y Emilio Gonzalez Vicente eigonzalez@cec.ugt.org
Para las actividades sindicales de la USO, por favor póngase en contacto con Sara García, s.saludlaboral@uso.es
LO Unions demand “Zero Tolerance for fatal accidents” in SWEDEN
The Swedish Trade Union Confederation and its affiliates will carry out activities on 26 April 2013, including a manifestation with a minute of silence at 13.00 at Swedish workplaces with the message “Zero tolerance for fatal accidents”.
They will also hold a virtual internet conference on the theme “Work environment offences”. The conference starts at 13.00 with the minute’s silence with the LO Negotiating Secretary Torbjörn Johansson.
Participants at the conference on work environment offences include researchers, the Swedish Work Environment Authority and people who have been involved in serious accidents who survived and can relate why the accident happened and what could have been done to prevent it.
LO Les syndicats exigent «Tolérance zéro pour les accidents mortels» en SUÈDE
La Confédération des syndicats suédois et ses affiliés organiseront des activités le 26 Avril 2013, y compris une minute de silence à 13h00 sur les lieux de travail suédois avec le message "tolérance zéro" pour les accidents mortels.
Ils tiendront également une conférence en ligne sur le thème «infractions sur le lieux de travail». La conférence commence à 13h00 avec la minute de silence avec le Sécretaire de LO aux négociations Torbjörn Johansson.
La conférence comptera avec la participation de chercheurs, l'Autorité suédoise pour es lieux de travail et des victimes d’accidents graves qui ont survécu et peuvent raconter les raisons des accidents et ce qui aurait pu être fait pour l'empêcher.
Pour plus d'informations sur les LO-Suède activités de ce 28 Avril s'il vous plaît communiquer avec Christina Järnstedt, Confédération des syndicats suédois.
LO Los sindicatos exigen "tolerancia cero a los accidentes mortales" en SUECIA
La Confederación de Sindicatos Suecos y sus afiliados organizan actividades el próximo 26 de abril 2013, incluyendo un minuto de silencio a las 13:00 horas en los lugares de trabajo suecos con el mensaje de "cero tolerancia" para los accidentes fatales.
También organizarán una conferencia en línea sobre "delitos en el lugar de trabajo." La conferencia comienza a las 13:00 horas con el secretario de organización de LO Johansson Torbjörn.
La conferencia contará con la participación de investigadores, la agencia de seguridad laboral sueca y con sobrevivientes de accidentes graves que contarán las causas de los accidentes y qué se puede hacer para evitarlos.
Para obtener más información acerca de LO-Suecia actividades para este 28 de abril, por favor póngase en contacto con Christina Järnstedt, Confederación de Sindicatos Suecos.
SGB/USS Unions will call for not lowering the legal age for dangerous work
In the context of this 28th April, the SGB/USS national center in Switzerland will be highlighting the importance of not exposing further young workers to hazardous work, which could be the consequence of current proposals to lower the legal age of exposure. The union has developed materials to raise awareness among apprentices and young workers on the potential risks as well as on their right to say no.
For more information on SGB/USS activities for this 28th April, please contact Luca Cirigliano
TAMICO Construction union TAMICO, alongside the Tanzania trade union confederation, will coordinate a national celebration at the Karume Stadium in ARUSHA. There have been a series of related events throughout April, including distribution of t-shirts and caps, meetings with ministers, and events to highlight the problem of occupational diseases.
CWU-TL Construction union CWU-TL is conducting 1-day National seminar/workshop on Asbestos on 28 April 2013.
FTBC/YNTRAGAVO Two BWI affiliates in Togo, FTBC and SYNTRAGAVO, will hold a two day OHS campaign in Lome, beginning on 28th April, with the purpose of sharing information and statistics on an OHS survey being undertaken in the construction sector.
TURKEY A report of Turkey international workers' memorial day activities from Laurie Kazan-Allen. more
CHICO A construction union 28th April activity will be held in Gulu-Atiak with the workers of China Henan International Co-operation Construction Company (CHICO) where a union recognition and the collective bargaining agreement was recently concluded. The aim is to sensitise workers on precautionary measures and also make them aware of how to report accidents and follow up compensation claims. The OHS activity will also benefit new members and shop stewards elected at the site.
FACK International Workers' Memorial Day 28 April 2013.
International Workers' Memorial Day is an opportunity for us FACK families to tell the stories of our lives, which changed irrevocably and beyond measure when our loved ones’ lives were cut far too short. more
IBAS London demonstration ACTION ON RUSSIAN ASBESTOS, Friday April 26, 2013 for International Workers’ Memorial Day
Russia is now the largest producer and exporter of Asbestos on the planet. A recent letter to the Russian Ambassador to the UK calling for the cessation of this deadly trade was ignored. Consequently the International Ban Asbestos Secretariat, The Asbestos Victims Support Groups Forum UK and the GMB Trade Union are calling for a demonstration outside the Russian Embassy to coincide with International Workers Memorial Day.
Demonstrate outside the Russian Embassy, 6-8 Kensington Palace Gardens, London W8 4QP Friday 26th April: assemble 11-30 am for the demonstration at Noon.
Send the Russian Ambassador ,Alexandar Vladimirovich Yakovenko a message- KEEP YOUR DEADLY ASBESTOS IN THE GROUND! Bring your banners and placards – all welcome
AFL-CIO "No worker should have to sacrifice life, limbs or health to earn an honest day’s pay—not here in the United States, not in Bangladesh or anywhere else. Yet, corporations continue the push for profits, seeking to avoid regulation and oversight. They claim that stronger worker protections and enforcement kill profit, when the reality is that failure to act kills workers." Statement from AFL-CIO president, Richard Trumka
USW Opinion piece by Leo W Gerard, head of the US steelworkers' union USW more
AFL-CIO Unions renew the fight for stronger OHS regulations in ask for the United States.
In the context of this 28th April, the AFL-CIO and its members will mobilise throughout the country along with workers, community members, faith leaders, local officials and relatives of victims of workplace-related deaths and injuries, sharing stories of injured workers and relatives of workers who have lost their lives on the job and renewing the fight for stronger regulations and protections for all working people.
A map with events in all US states has been developed here US activists are invited to post their details about their events.
For more information on AFL CIO activities for this 28th April, please contact Peg Seminario • Resources • Poster
National COSH Kicking off Workers' Memorial Week of Action: Sharing infographics and honoring Orestes Martinez. more • The infographic is in English and Spanish. Also see the Facebook page and Twitter feed to share directly from the source.
National COSH THe National Council of Occupational Safety and Health has posted a new 28 April events webpage
AFL-CIO Workers Memorial Day is fast approaching. To assist people with organizing events and activities, the AFL-CIO has put together a Workers Memorial Day Kit which is posted on the AFL-CIO WMD webpage.
It includes:
Key Points for Workers Memorial Day
Sample Media Advisory
Sample Workers Memorial Day Event Release
Sample Remarks for Workers Memorial Day 2013
Sample Workers Memorial Day Op-Ed
Sample Workers Memorial Day Letters to the Editor
Profile of Workplace Safety and Health in the United States
Facts About Worker Safety and Health—2013
Copies of the WMD poster and flier are also accessible at the main AFL-CIO's Workers' Memorial Day page.
Please take a minute to share your plans for Workers Memorial Day events, by going to the AFL-CIO website and posting your event
NAIDW The National Association of Injured and Disabled Workers has published a listing of nationwide WMD events more
SUNCA BWI's fraternal union SUNCA has a long tradition of celebrating the day, which will be continued.
ILO Fighting a slow and invisible killer
Rock quarries are among the most dangerous workplaces in Viet Nam. The International Labour Organization (ILO) is helping enhance self-inspection and training on occupational safety and health (OSH) to try to make work in the quarries healthier and safer. Further Details • ILO WMD page
Wales TUC To mark Workers' Memorial Day the Wales TUC is organising a reception in remembrance of those who have lost their lives at work. The reception will take place in the foyer of the Unite building, 1 Cathedral Road, Cardiff, CF11 9SD on Sunday 28 April at 11am.
ZCTU Unions will mobilise with social partners for occupational health and safety in Zimbabwe.
For this 28th April, the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions will commemorate workers that have lost their lives and health at work with a tripartite event, preceded by union rallies to the conference center.
This 28th April event will close a series of activities organized on occupational accidents throughout the country during April.
The ZCTU, as a reaction to the upward trend in OHS related accidents in the country has joined the business community in a working committee to discuss about this issue.
For more information on ZCTU activities for this 28th April, please contact Nathan Banda
ZCTU Les syndicats se mobilisent avec les partenaires sociaux pour la santé et sécurité au travail au
Pour ce 28 Avril 28, le Congrès des syndicats du Zimbabwe va commémorer les travailleurs qui ont perdu leur vie et la santé au travail avec un événement tripartite, précédée par des rassemblements syndicaux autour du centre de conférences.
Ce 28 Avril clôturera une série d'activités organisées sur les accidents du travail dans tout le pays au cours du mois.
Le ZCTU, en réaction à la tendance à la hausse dans des accidents liés à la SST dans le pays a rejoint les employeurs dans un comité de travail pour discuter de cette question.
ZCTU Los sindicatos se movilizan junto con los empleadores por la salud y la seguridad en
Para este 28 de abril, el Congreso de Sindicatos de Zimbabwe conmemorará los trabajadores que han perdido su vida y salud en el trabajo con un evento tripartito, precedido por manifestaciones sindicales en torno al centro de conferencias. Este evento cerrará una serie de actividades sobre accidentes de trabajo en todo el país organizadas durante el mes de abril.
El ZCTU, en reacción a la tendencia al alza de accidentes relacionados con salud y seguridad ocupacional en el país, se ha sumado a los empleadores en un comité de trabajo para discutir sobre este tema.
ILOThe International Labour Organisation's activities on 28 April. more
ETUC The ETUC demands the adoption of an ambitious European strategy
The World Day for Safety and Health at Work falls on 28 April. The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) is using this occasion to emphasise the point that health at work is an essential priority for the trade union movement. A European strategy in this field urgently needs to be adopted. more
CES Journée mondiale pour la santé et sécurité au travail : la CES demande l’adoption d’une stratégie européenne ambitieuse.
A cette occasion la Confédération européenne des syndicats (CES) tient à rappeler que la santé au travail est une priorité essentielle du mouvement syndical. L’adoption d’une stratégie européenne dans ce domaine ne peut plus tarder. plus
ETUI In most of the EU countries, Trade Unions are organizing activities. It would be useful to raise the issue of the EU strategy during those activities. The present situation is at a dead point.
The evaluation of the past strategy was supposed to be published in April (after different delays) and a public internet consultation had to be launched on the basis of a questionnaire prepared by the Commission. Until now, we have not received any information from the Commission about the evaluation and the consultation.
There is no commitment from the Commission about the need to adopt a new strategy for 2013-2020, about the timetable and about its content. Those issues should be mentioned during the 28 April activities. You could use that opportunity to contact your national authorities and members of the European Parliament from your country in order to ask their support for a new EU strategy. The Untold Story: the EU's Health and Safety Strategy
PAHO The Pan American Health Organisation has published factsheets that are being distributed throughout the Americas under the frame of the commemoration of the Global Day of Safety and Health at work, that the this year focuses on the prevention of occupational diseases. Factsheet 1 • Factsheet 2
BWI View the global union federation Building and Wood Workers' International's dedicated Workers' Memorial Day YouTube channel:
GLOBAL Call for a ban on pesticides from the global farm and food union IUF. more
PSI Honouring frontline workers who’ve lost their lives while helping others.
On 28 April, International Workers’ Memorial Day, Public Services International and affiliate members join in our workplaces and communities to honour fellow workers who have been injured or lost their lives in the delivery of public services. more
ITUC The International Trade Union Confederation, in addition to its work in the promotion of 28th April, organized a commemoration ceremony in the ITUC Headquarters, led by the ITUC General Secretary, Sharan Burrow and the European Trade Union Confederation General Secretary, Bernadette Segol. A chore was also invited to sing in memory of those who have lost their lives and health at work.
ITUC-AFRICA The ITUC Regional Organisation for Africa released a statement focusing on the importance of prevention strategies to truly build safe workplaces.
The release is available here
For more information on ITUC Africa actions on OHS, please contact Yahya Msangi
TUCA The Trade Union Confederation of the Americas joined this years’ 28th April Commemoration with a video release highlighting the importance of the recently adopted a trade union OHS Strategy for the Americas, where the focus is placed in « making visible the invisible –paying attention to workers’ experiences related to risk exposures and working conditions-, stimulate union action through network building and promote collective bargaining on occupational health and safety.
This is of utmost importance when we know that 7 out of 10 workers in Latin America have no protection against workplace accidents.
The video is available here The accompanying press release is available in Spanish
For more information on TUCA actions on OHS, please contact Isamar Escalona
28 April events listing compiled by ITUC and Hazards