Hazards 84 cover image

Hazards 84
October-December 2003

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Hazards, issue 84, October-December 2003

contents [pdf]

4-5 Testing times Expert panels will soon make recommendations to the UK government on drug and genetic testing at work. Many companies are keen on both. Hazards warns that this is a dangerous development and says it may be their company, but your body is your business. [more]

6-7 The silent treatment Official safety enforcement bodies aren't just stalling on promised new safety consultation rights, they are failing utterly to enforce existing laws. Hugh Robertson, UNISON's head of health of safety, warns that silence is deadly.

8-13 News in brief Work takes your breath away. Rig unions attack HSE. Insurers say it will pay to be safe. Smoking goons. Overloaded editor awarded £95,000. Firms fail workplace mental health test. Bosses call for rehab. Stress at work. Chip makers sued for cancer risks. Work diseases under attack from Europe. Global asbestos fight. What price on your life?

14-15 Growing pains With agriculture one of the most dangerous industries, improving health and safety is a top union priority. Sue Longley of IUF, the global food and agriculture union, explains its plough-to-plate safety strategy. [more]

Centrepages Gene machine Not perfect? One day soon it might cost you your job. Hazards warns that as the gene test gadgets make genetic screening a wrong-headed but cheap choice for companies, we may find perfectly capable workers are discarded because of unsafe and unsound workplace gene tests. [more]

18-19 To indifference and beyond! The Health and Safety Executive is facing a funding freeze and a dangerous new "2010 and beyond" strategy that will leave it with fewer inspectors and reduced influence, warns Steven Kay of HSE inspectors' union Prospect.

20-21 Time's up TUC "It's about time" campaign. GMB women win on call hours battle. Work less, produce more. Driven hard. Long hours stress families.

22-27 What the unions say Speak up for safety. £3m for roving reps. Top honours for safety reps. Hazards Questionnaire. Union exposes bully Beeb. GPMU opposes safety bonus scams. TUC takes on teleworking. Migrant workers at risk. US troops kill more media workers. Safety takes centrestage at TUC. £1m for partnership. Amicus pressure on corporate crime. Businessmen behaving badly.

28-31 Resources Publications, online resources, action, events and latest news from HSE. Global asbestos ban draws nearer.