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age we all have different strengths and weaknesses, young and old. And properly designed work should be safe and healthy whoever is doing it.

anthrax and smallpox links to union guidance, medical factsheets and press releases on anthrax.

artificial intelligence news, features and resources

asbestos news, features and resources

behavioural safety Hazards issues a BS alert — "blame the worker" behavioural safety schemes can be bad for your union and bad for your health

biohazards From natural fibres to furry critters, creepy crawlies to coronavirus, biological hazards in the workplace are a major and seriously under-estimated problem.

blacklisting blog featuring news and resources

cancer news, features, resources and union cancer prevention kit

chemicals features, news and resources on workplace chemicals

climate features, news and resources on the climate crisis and workers' health

compensation news and resources

computer workstations Hazards resources to ensure a safer computer workstation

deadly business if you kill, maim or hurt someone, you can expect to go to jail. Except if you employ that someone.

drink and drugs resources, news and links on smoking, drugs and alcohol policy and practice at work.

dust Thousands each year cough, wheeze, choke and then croak as a result of dust exposures at work. If the authorities won’t act, unions will.

electronics the electronics industry is far from clean

enforcement defending workplace safety inspection and enforcement

genetic screening why genetic screening is not the answer to workplace health and safety problems.

green jobs green jobs aren’t necessarily safe jobs

hazards news health and safety updates from around the world

hazards tools online tools from Hazards can help you work out what hurts at work - and what you can do about it.

hours and health it’s not just what we do that can hurt us at work, it is when we do it.

infections news and resources

insecure work Insecure work is not just unfair, it's downright unhealthy

links to linksUK union links labour friendly health and safety website

low pay occupational injuries, cancers, nervous system disorders, suicides, reproductive problems, strain injuries and cardiovascular diseases are all concentrated in less well remunerated work.

nanotech thousands of nanotechnology applications are already in commercial production despite a huge health and safety question mark.

needlesticks news, links, resources and advice on needlestick injuries

notices - pins/uins union issued safety notices

oil is our oil industry in safe hands?

organising organised workplaces are safer workplaces

privacy union response to snooping, drug and alcohol testing at work

rehabilitation union arguments for a better deal for workers when injury or sickness strikes.

SARS news, links, resources and advice on Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome

sickness news and resources on sickness and sickness absence policy

smoking and the workplace workplace smoking policies, news and campaigns

standards standards underpinning safety management at work should be a good thing, right? Right – but only if they are good ones.

standing health hazards of prolonged standing at work

strain injuries musculoskeletal disorders and their prevention at work

stress union tools to ensure your job doesn't take over your life.

suicide the hidden toll of work-related suicides

testing times the dangers of drugs, alcohol, genetic and other tests at work

toilet breaks workers are being denied adequate toilet breaks - and could be facing potentially serious health problems as a result.

union effect Hazards shows why safety is better organised.

union safety reps the reasons, roles and resources that mean trade union safety reps make work a whole lot safer

victimisation Hazards looks at how you can get fired up about health and safety at work without getting fired.

violence workplace violence is widespread and the results are not always easily visible, Hazards provides a violence checklist, guide, resources and news.

voice loss millions of workers, from teachers to telephonists to trade unionists, rely on their voices to do their jobs. But overwork your voice and that might be the last you hear of it.

vulnerable workers who's protecting vulnerable workers?

women and work hazards union, academic and campaign resources on gender and workplace health

work and health news, resources and features

Workers' Memorial Day news, resources, posters, graphics and events

working world Hazards photofiles picture the dangers of the world of work and what international trade unions are doing to combat them.

worked to death it's the thoroughly modern way to die at work. Top occupational diseases of the 21st century workplace will be heart attacks, suicide and strokes.

workstations how to fit the workplace to the worker.

young workers when young workers are hurt, it means not enough was done to protect them.



Workworld media awards image

ICL disaster report cover

Zero Cancer image

Deadly Business image