Hazards magazine's
Country by country listing
Regularly updated country by country details of national Workers'
Memorial Day activities. more
Global: Gear up for Workers’ Memorial Day, 28 April 2015
The theme for Workers’ Memorial Day 2015 will be “removing exposure to hazardous substances in the workplace”, global union confederation ITUC has announced. The union body says the theme includes an opportunity for unions to highlight chemical-related hazards, asbestos “as well as the Ebola virus and other potentially hazardous biological exposures.” It adds slogans, twitter hashtag suggestions and other communication tools will be posted on the ITUC/Hazards 28 April webpages. Europe-wide, the ETUC has already announced it will use the 28 April event to further its campaign on hazardous substances.
ITUC/Hazards and TUC 28 April 2015 Workers’ Memorial Day webpages. Risks 685.
Hazards news,
10 January 2015
28 April 2015 theme: Removing exposure to hazardous substances in the workplace
I hope you have started the year full of ideas and energy to concretise them! I’m writing you to start with the preparations of our 28 April 2015. We would like to suggest a focus on “removing exposure to hazardous substances in the workplace”.
This will allow us to highlight the need for addressing chemical-related hazards, asbestos as well as the Ebola virus and other potentially hazardous biological exposures.
Slogans, Twitter hashtags, suggestions and other communication tools will be developed in the coming weeks and will be posted on the ITUC/Hazards 28 April webpages.
Please ensure you send details of your planned activities, any resources and artwork you produce for 28 April 2015. And remember, give us your email to be included in the 28th April e-list and join the 28 April Facebook group
Thème pour le 28 Avril 2015: Prévenir l’exposition aux substances dangereuses dans le lieu de travail
Je vous fais tout d’abord part de mes meilleurs vœux pour 2015. Je vous écris pour démarrer nos préparatifs du 28 Avril 2015. Nous souhaiterions vous suggérer de nous focaliser sur le besoin de « prévenir l’exposition aux substances dangereuses dans le lieu de travail » (ceci est une traduction informelle de la version en anglais – si vous avez des suggestions pour rendre la phrase plus intelligible, n’hésitez pas à me les envoyer). Ce thème nous permettra de soulever le besoin de traiter les risques liés aux substances chimiques, à l’amiante et aussi au virus Ebola et autres expositions à des substances biologiques potentiellement dangereuses.
Nous allons développer des slogans, des suggestions pour des tweets ainsi que d’autres matériels dans les semaines à venir, et nous allons rendre disponible sur le site joint CSI/Hazards.
Envoyez-nous dès que possible vos plans, matériels, posters, etc pour ce 28 Avril 2015.
Et n’oubliez pas, envoyez-nous votre email pour pouvoir vous inclure dans la liste électronique du 28 Avril et rejoignez le Groupe Facebook en tapant Workers’ Memorial Day
Tema para el 28 de Abril 2014: Prevenir la exposición a sustancias peligrosas en el lugar de trabajo
Queridos amigos, queridas amigas. Espero que este nuevo año los haya encontrado llenos de ideas y de energía para concretarlas. Les escribo para dar inicio a nuestros preparativos para el 28 de Abril 2015. En esta ocasión queríamos sugerirles que nos concentráramos en la necesidad de “prevenir la exposición a sustancias peligrosas en el lugar de trabajo”.
Esto nos permitiría hacer hincapié sobre la necesidad de tratar los riesgos vinculados a las sustancias químicas, al amianto y también al virus Ebola y otras exposiciones biológicas potencialmente peligrosas.
En las próximas semanas, vamos a desarrollar slogans, hashtags para tweeter y otros materiales y colgarlos en en el sitio web común de la CSI con Hazards.
Por favor envíennos sus planes, materiales y posters para el 28 de Abril
2015 cuanto antes.
Y recuerden, envíenos su email para que lo incluyamos en la lista del 28 de Abril y súmese al grupo facebook escribiendo Workers' Memorial Day
Unions put health and safety on the global agenda
Unions don’t just protect your livelihood, they protect your life. ITUC general secretary Sharan Burrow explains why health and safety at work is always on the union agenda. More • Life savers, Hazards 128
Los sindicatos sitúan la salud y la seguridad en la agenda global
Los sindicatos no sólo buscan proteger nuestros medios de subsistencia, sino también nuestras vidas. La Secretaria General de la CSI, Sharan Burrow, explica por qué la salud y seguridad en el trabajo siempre forma parte del programa sindical. Más
Les syndicats inscrivent la santé et la sécurité dans le programme mondial
Les syndicats ne protègent pas seulement vos moyens de subsistance mais également votre vie. La secrétaire générale de la CSI, Sharan Burrow, explique pourquoi la santé et la sécurité au travail sont toujours inscrites dans le programme syndical. Plus
Global: It’s all coming together for 28 April!
Workers’ Memorial Day – the 28 April campaign which has become the world’s largest annual health and safety event – looks like being bigger still this year. The global union federation ITUC says it has been deluged with events listings - from protests, to seminars to local and national campaigns - which it will publicise in the coming days via social media and on its dedicated 28 April webpage.
TUC workers’ Memorial Day 2014 webpages • ITUC/Hazards 28 April global webpages and facebook page • ITUC/Hazards 28 April 2014 International Workers’ Memorial Day publicise-your-events poster • Don’t forget to tweet #iwmd14 • Risks 650
Hazards news,
12 April 2014
Global: What are you doing on 28 April?
It’s time you told the world just what you were planning for 28 April, Workers’ Memorial Day. And that task just got a little easier, thanks to a new poster from global union federation ITUC and the UK-based Hazards magazine.
ITUC/Hazards 28 April 2014 International Workers’ Memorial Day poster • TUC workers’ Memorial Day 2014 webpages • ITUC/Hazards 28 April global webpages and facebook page • Risks 648
Hazards news, 29 March 2014
Britain: Are you geared up for 28 April?
Workers’ Memorial Day, the biggest event on the union safety calendar, is fast approaching. So, have you sorted your action kit for 28 April? The Hazards Campaign is providing everything from the poster you stick on the wall to the t-shirt you stick on your back.
Posters: free (A3 and A4 available). Stickers: £1 for a single sticker, £0.50 each for 2-10, and £0.25 each for 11-100, with bigger discounts for bigger orders. Lapel stickers: £1 for a single sticker, £0.50 each for 2-10, and £0.25 each for 11-100. Car stickers: £1 each, £30 per 100. Purple ribbons: £0.30 each, £30 per 100. T-shirts: in s, m, l, xl, xxl, xxxl. £6. Order from the Hazards Campaign, Windrush Millennium Centre, 70 Alexandra Road, Manchester M16 7WD. Tel: 0161 636 7557. Email: info@hazardscampaign.org.uk • Risks 645
Hazards news,
8 March 2014
Europe: Get out, don’t be taken in on 28 April
Europe’s senior trade union health and safety official has said workers should not be taken in by ‘false sentiments’ on Workers’ Memorial Day, as official bodies have no intention of ‘walking the talk’ the rest of the year. Laurent Vogel, of the European TUC’s research unit, said: “Death by work is an ongoing reality determined by the pursuit of profit, flexibility, a lack of democracy in the workplace… Deregulation policies are deepening these inequalities.”
TUC Stronger Unions blog and Workers’ Memorial Day 2014 webpages • ITUC/Hazards 28 April global webpages and facebook page • Risks 645
Hazards news,
8 March 2014
Britain: What will you be doing on 28 April?
The TUC webpages for Workers’ Memorial Day on 28 April 2014 are now up, ready and waiting to list your planned activities. The TUC 28 April webpage notes: “The TUC believes that we should use the day to highlight the need for strong regulation at national, European and global level.”
TUC Workers’ Memorial Day, 28 April 2014 webpages. If you know of any union 28 April events, email details to the TUC health and safety department • Risks 643
Hazards news,
22 February 2014
Theme announced for Workers’ Memorial Day
The theme for Workers’ Memorial Day on 28 April this year will be: 'Protecting workers around the world through strong regulation, enforcement and union rights'. ITUC, the global union body coordinating the event worldwide, says it is also encouraging unions to use the slogan, 'Unions make work safer' on their materials.
For global Workers’ Memorial Day 2014 activities coverage, see the ITUC/Hazards 28 April webpages and facebook page. For UK news, resources and updates, see the TUC 28 April webpages • Risks 639
Hazards news,
25 January 2014
Global: London protest challenges Russia on asbestos
Russia’s support for global asbestos trade has been exposed by Putin-masked protesters in a union-backed action outside its London embassy. Russia, the world’s largest asbestos exporter, is expected to join with Zimbabwe to block new rules on chrysotile asbestos exports when they are discussed by government representatives on 7 May.
GMB news release • IBAS news report • RightOnCanada news release and appeal from asbestos victims worldwide • Risks 603
Hazards news,
4 May 2013
Global: What did you do on Workers’ Memorial Day…
To track Workers’ Memorial Day events across the globe, take look at the map of events worldwide, produced by the global union federation ITUC and Hazards magazine.
ITUC/Hazards Workers’ Memorial Day webpages to find out what’s happening worldwide on 28 April and sign up to the ITUC/Hazards 28 April facebook page
Hazards news,
27 April 2013
CSI El 28 de abril: la salud y la seguridad en el trabajo amenazadas por no oír la voz de los trabajadores
El año 2013 está mostrando una vergonzosa cifra de víctimas mortales y de accidentes en el lugar de trabajo. No más tarde que el martes tuvimos que lamentar la muerte de más de 200 trabajadoras y trabajadores de la confección de Bangladesh tras el derrumbamiento de su taller en Savar, en las afueras de Dhaka. Este trágico suceso se produce unos días antes de que los trabajadores de todo el mundo se unan el Día Internacional de Conmemoración de los Trabajadores Fallecidos y Lesionados para conmemorar a las víctimas del comportamiento imprudente de los empleadores. Lo que ocurrió en Savar no fue un “accidente”. A través del Día Internacional de Conmemoración de los Trabajadores, la CSI espera arrojar luz sobre el papel crucial que desempeñan los sindicatos, una estricta regulación y su aplicación efectiva para conseguir que los lugares de trabajo sean más seguros. CSI
CSI: 28 avril : Le manque de représentation menace la santé et la sécurité des travailleurs
L’année 2013 livre un bilan accablant en termes d’accidents du travail ayant entraîné la mort. Pas plus tard que ce mardi, nous avons dû déplorer la mort de plus de 200 travailleuses et travailleurs de la confection au Bangladesh, suite à l’effondrement du bâtiment qui abritait leur atelier, dans la localité de Savar, dans la banlieue de Dacca. Cet événement tragique précède de quelques jours seulement la Journée internationale de commémoration des travailleurs morts et blessés au travail, où les travailleuses et travailleurs du monde entier s’uniront pour rendre hommage aux victimes de la conduite irresponsable des employeurs. Ce qui est arrivé à Savar n’a rien d’un « accident ». À travers la Journée internationale de commémoration, la CSI espère attirer l’attention sur le rôle crucial joué par les syndicats, une réglementation forte et une application effective de la loi pour garantir des lieux de travail plus sûrs. CSI
ITUC: April 28: Health and Safety at Work Threatened by Workers’ Lack of Voice
2013 is giving us a shameful death toll in workplace fatalities and accidents. No later than Tuesday we had to deplore the deaths of over 200 Bangladeshi garment workers following the collapse of their workshop in Savar on the outskirts of Dhaka. This tragic event takes place just days before workers across the world unite on the International Commemoration Day for Dead and Injured Workers to commemorate the victims of employers’ reckless behaviour. What happened in Savar was not an “accident”. Through International Workers’ Memorial Day, the ITUC hopes to shed light on the crucial role played by trade unions, strong regulation and effective enforcement in securing safer workplaces. ITUC
Global: Workers’ Memorial Day is just days away
With Workers’ Memorial Day just a few days away, it seems set to be the biggest commemoration ever. Early indications are that a record number of unions around the world are also planning 28 April events on what is the biggest single workplace health and safety activity on the calendar, beating anything organised by official safety bodies, governments or employers’ groups.
Visit the ITUC/Hazards Workers’ Memorial Day webpages to find out what’s happening worldwide on 28 April and sign up to the ITUC/Hazards 28 April facebook page • TUC Workers’ Memorial Day 2013 webpage and events listing and facebook page • Copies of the Hazards Workers’ Memorial Day 2013 poster are available free in A4 and A3 sizes from Hilda Palmer at the Hazards Campaign. A charge to cover costs will be made for larger orders • Risks 601
Hazards news,
20 April 2013
Britain: Workers’ Memorial Day, 28 April 2013
The UK TUC has added a Workers’ Memorial Day facebook events page to its resources for health and safety’s big day. The 28 April event is the biggest single workplace safety activity on the calendar, and is the day unions and safety campaigners worldwide pledge to ‘Remember the dead and fight for the living’. Also now available is the Hazards 2013 Workers’ Memorial Day poster.
TUC Workers’ Memorial Day 2013 webpage and events listing and facebook page• Copies of the Hazards Workers’ Memorial Day 2013 poster are available free in A4 and A3 sizes from Hilda Palmer at the Hazards Campaign • A charge to cover costs will be made for larger orders • Risks 597
Hazards news,
16 March 2013
Britain: Bad stats and policies add up to deadly workplaces
A government safety strategy ‘built on myth and dogma’ is making the UK’s workplaces more deadly, unions have warned.
Unite news release • UNISON news release • UNISON Scotland news release • PCS news release • NASUWT news release • CWU news release • TUC 28 April Workers’ Memorial Day events listing • ITUC/Hazards Workers' Memorial Day webpages, including a worldwide list of events and resources and the ITUC/Hazards 28 April facebook page • Risks 554
Hazards news,
5 May 2012
Britain: Unions condemn ‘dangerous’ low risk line
The official decision to abandon official spot-check inspections in ‘low risk’ sectors including docks, agriculture, quarries and retail ignores the real dangers of the jobs and is driven by government-imposed cuts in the safety enforcement budget. Safety campaigners, speaking out on the 28 April, Workers’ Memorial Day, warned the hands-off policy sends a signal to businesses they need not be so concerned about the safety of their staff.
Usdaw news release • Irwin Mitchell Solicitors news release • Thompsons Solicitors news release • The Independent • Risks 554
Hazards news,
5 May 2012
Britain: Workers’ Memorial Day is days away!
Workers’ Memorial Day, 28 April, is nearly upon us, and looks set to send a serious message to the government about its deadly safety plans. The TUC’s call for a Day of Action to Defend Health and Safety is being heard nationwide, with events planned all the way from Penzance to Aberdeen, and Newport to Newcastle.
IOSH news release and 28 April tweets #workersmemorialday, mentioning @IOSH_tweets.
TUC resources: 28 April webpage and events listing, Infographic, guides to dealing with the press [pdf] and lobbying MPs [pdf] and 2012 Workers' Memorial Day and TUC Day of Action list of activities.
Check out the newly revamped ITUC/Hazards Workers' Memorial Day webpages, including a worldwide list of events and resources and the ITUC/Hazards 28 April facebook page • See what happened worldwide on 28 April 2011 • Other resources: Get kitted out with Hazards Campaign forget-me-knot ribbons, free posters, lapel/stationery stickers [pdf order form], window stickers and t-shirts [pdf order form] - the perfect attire for a 28 April event. Further information from the Hazards Campaign, telephone 0161 636 7557 • Risks 552
Hazards news,
21 April 2012
Global: The world is gearing up for 28 April…
Unions and campaigners are gearing up for 28 April, Workers’ Memorial Day – the largest annual health and safety event anywhere in the world. Global union federation ITUC and UK-based Hazards magazine are tracking the events, resources and strategies unions and safety campaign groups are employing worldwide to publicise workers’ rights to a safe workplace and to expose efforts by governments to deregulate safety.
Check out the newly revamped ITUC/Hazards Workers' Memorial Day webpages, including a worldwide list of events and resources and the ITUC/Hazards 28 April facebook page • See what happened worldwide on 28 April 2011
TUC resources: 28 April webpage, Infographic, guides to dealing with the press [pdf] and lobbying MPs [pdf] and 2012 Workers' Memorial Day and TUC Day of Action list of activities • Other resources: Get kitted out with Hazards Campaign forget-me-knot ribbons, posters, lapel/stationery stickers [pdf order form], window stickers and t-shirts [pdf order form] - the perfect attire for a 28 April event. Further information from the Hazards Campaign, telephone 0161 636 7557 • Risks 551
Hazards news.
14 April 2012
Britain: Safety reps do the business
Union safety reps have saved ‘countless lives’, a new TUC briefing has revealed. The message comes in the latest bulletin from TUC ahead of its national 28 April Day of Action to defend health and safety.
Defend health and safety: 28 April Day of Action, Bulletin 5, April 2012.
TUC resources: 28 April webpage, Infographic, guides to dealing with the press [pdf] and lobbying MPs [pdf] and 2012 Workers' Memorial Day and TUC Day of Action list of activities.
Other resources: Get kitted out with Hazards Campaign forget-me-knot ribbons, posters, lapel/stationery stickers [pdf order form], window stickers and t-shirts [pdf order form] - the perfect attire for a 28 April event. Further information from the Hazards Campaign, telephone 0161 636 7557.
ITUC/Hazards Workers' Memorial Day worldwide list of events and resources • Risks 550
Hazards news,
7 April 2012
Britain: Workers’ Memorial Day 2012 resources
TUC has assembled a top class package of resources to help organise, publicise and effectively run 28 April events and campaigns. Available on the TUC website, you’ll find a series of briefings giving all the facts and figures you’ll ever need to win an argument for better regulation and enforcement, an infographic spelling this out at-a-glance, guides on dealing with the press and lobbying MPs, and a listing of events nationwide.
TUC resources: 28 April webpage, Infographic, guides to dealing with the press [pdf] and lobbying MPs [pdf] and 2012 Workers' Memorial Day and TUC Day of Action list of activities
Other resources: Get kitted out with Hazards Campaign forget-me-knot ribbons, posters, lapel/stationery stickers [pdf order form], bumper stickers and t-shirts [pdf order form] – the perfect attire for a 28 April event. Further information from the Hazards Campaign, telephone 0161 636 7557.
ITUC/Hazards Workers' Memorial Day worldwide list of events and resources • Risks 549
Hazards news,
31 March 2012
Britain: Rich make a killing, others will be killed
The TUC has condemned this week’s Budget as a series of measures “for the rich by the rich” incorporating a “regurgitated mish-mash” of pro-business moves that tell employers safety is unimportant and can be ignored. It added the Budget focus on safety deregulation “shows very clearly exactly why the TUC is organising a Day of Action on 28 April to defend health and safety.”
Budget 2012 Statement • TUC news release • CBI news release • Personnel Today • BBC News Online • Defend health and safety: Day of Action, 28 April 2012, TUC bulletin number 4. TUC Workers’ Memorial Day webpages and infographic • Risks 548
Hazards news,
24 March 2012
Britain: TUC warning on work diseases ‘timebomb’
Occupational diseases kill at least 100 times the number killed in workplace ‘accidents’, the TUC has said. The union body warns government claims that Britain’s workplaces are among the safest in the world fail to take account of this chronic disease toll, adding there is a systematic failure to address the real problem as a result.
Defend health and safety: Day of Action, 28 April 2012, bulletin 4, TUC and TUC Workers’ Memorial Day webpages • Risks 547
Hazards news,
17 March 2012
Britain: The numbers behind Workers' Memorial Day
TUC has made an ‘infographic’ to explain why workplace safety is still a “huge” issue in the UK, and why we still need the focus of Workers' Memorial Day. Inviting you to ‘do the maths on health and safety’, it notes that even official figures indicate at least 20,000 people in the UK go to their graves each year as a result of hazards encountered at work.
TUC briefing and infographic • Risks 547
Hazards news,
17 March 2012
Britain: Obeying safety rules is a responsibility, not a burden
Health and safety regulation is not the burden on business the prime minister suggests, but something any responsible business should embrace, the TUC has asserted. “Regulation should not be seen as a burden on business, a TUC briefing says, adding: “It is a responsibility, just as paying taxes is a responsibility, and no business should be able to operate unless it can do so safety.”
Defending regulation, TUC Day of Action to defend health and safety bulletin No.1. TUC Workers’ Memorial Day webpages • ITUC/Hazards International Workers’ Memorial Day webpages • Risks 540
Hazards news,
28 January 2011
Britain: Enforcement works, non-enforcement kills
A drastic cut in the UK’s already under par workplace safety enforcement activity will lead to more death and injuries, the TUC has warned. The union body notes: “Good employers have always supported both regulation and enforcement because it means that their competitors cannot take short-cuts with people's safety and undercut them,” concluding: “It is only unscrupulous or incompetent employers who fear consistent and fair regulation of health and safety.”
The need for enforcement, TUC Day of Action to defend health and safety bulletin No.2. We didn’t vote to die at work campaign • Risks 540
Hazards news,
28 January 2011
Britain: TUC says stand up for safety
The TUC is gearing up for the biggest ever national workplace health and safety event on 28 April. It has designated Workers’ Memorial Day 2012 a ‘Day of activity to defend health and safety’, which is facing an unprecedented attack.
TUC Workers’ Memorial Day 2012 webpage, leaflet [pdf] and poster [pdf] • TUC call for action • Hazards 'remember the dead, fight like hell for the living' images and WMD artwork gallery • Risks 539
Hazards news,
21 January 2012
Global: Workers’ Memorial Day 2012
It’s time to start preparing for Workers’ Memorial Day, Saturday 28 April. In December, TUC called on “unions, trades councils, and others to make 28 April 2012 a 'Day of activity to defend health and safety'”. Now, Hazards magazine has produced a series of new ‘remember the dead, fight like hell for the living’ images for union reps to use in the campaign.
Hazards ‘remember the dead, fight like hell for the living’ images and WMD artwork gallery • TUC call for action • TUC Workers' Memorial Day webpages • Risks 537
Hazards news,
7 January 2012
Britain: TUC calls for action on safety
The TUC is calling on unions and safety campaigners to challenge a government safety strategy that “will lead to more work-related deaths, injuries and ill-health.” TUC head of safety Hugh Robertson said: “TUC wants to use 28 April 2012 as the day when workers up and down the country take action to protect our health and safety.”
TUC calls for action • Hazards magazine, number 116, 2011. TUC Workers’ Memorial Day webpages • Risks 535
Hazards news,
10 December 2011
Global: Unions attacks anti-regulation business
International trade unions are warning of the potentially devastating effect of business lobbying to weaken legal health and safety protection at work. “Business groups and companies in a succession of countries, including some of the world’s largest economies, are pushing to reduce protection from hazards at work,” said Sharan Burrow, head of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC).
ITUC news release and related RadioLabour interview with the ITUC’s Anabella Rosemberg • ITUC/Hazards global 28 April events listing • Risks 503
Hazards news,
30 April 2011
Britain: Remembering those killed at work
Unions and campaigners have marked Workers’ Memorial Day this year in record numbers in over 70 countries worldwide. The TUC said the annual 28 April international event is a reminder that around the world more people are killed at work than in wars and conflict; this year it encouraged unions to use 28 April to campaign against the cuts in Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and local authority funding and enforcement activity.
TUC news release and UK events listing • Hazards Campaign news release • Risks 503
Hazards news,
30 April 2011
Global: ITUC - Anti-regulation agenda of business groups threatens health and safety at work International trade unions are warning of the potentially devastating effect of business lobbying to weaken protection for worker’s health and safety as workers across the world take part in the International Commemoration Day for Dead and Injured Workers today. “Business groups and companies in a succession of countries, including some of the world’s largest economies, are pushing to reduce protection from hazards at work. If they succeed, more lives will be lost and the toll of work-related injury and illness will increase.” said ITUC General Secretary Sharan Burrow.
More • RadioLabour interview with the ITUC’s Anabella Rosemberg
USA: AFL-CIO Death on the job report Forty years after the passage of the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHAct), “there is much more work to be done….The job safety laws must be strengthened,” finds the 2011 AFL-CIO annual job safety report “Death on the Job,” released this morning to commemorate Workers Memorial Day. More
Global: ILO - Worldwide events to focus on safety and health management systems for prevention and control of risks at work In a new report issued for the 28 April World Day entitled “OSH Management System: A tool for Continual Improvement”, the ILO outlines a step-by-step approach to be taken in applying OSH Management Systems (OSHMS) and, more concretely, how this system can be used at the national and enterprise levels. The report also highlights how to apply OSH Management Systems in particularly high risk sectors. English • Español • Français • Italiano • A Video Message from Seiji Machida, Director of SafeWork, ILO
Global: Let's highlight the memory of Forest Workers! The United Nations has declared 2011 as the “International Year of the Forest”. BWI and trade unions welcome this but would like to highlight the memory of Forest Workers, by laying particular emphasis on the appalling conditions of the many millions of Forest Workers. Let’s make this April 28th a day when trade unions in BWI make this day a special one to remember the many millions of forestry workers around the world and the dangerous working conditions they face daily. More
Britain: Government will mark Workers’ Memorial Day
The UK government will continue to recognise Workers’ Memorial Day, the global 28 April event each year when unions and campaigners vow to remember the dead and fight for the living. Last year was the first to make the event official in the UK, after a decision by the previous Labour administration.
SHP Online • TUC 28 April Workers' Memorial Day webpages and 2011 events listing • Email TUC details of events planned for 28 April 2011 • Hazards/ITUC global 28 April webpages • Risks 499
Hazards news, 26 March 2011
Global: Workers' Memorial Day 2011 theme agreed
Global union confederation ITUC has announced the theme for International Workers’ Memorial Day this year. They have advised affiliates that “On 28 April 2011 trade unions will be highlighting the crucial role played by trade unions, strong regulation and effective enforcement in securing safer workplaces.”
TUC 28 April Workers’ Memorial Day webpages and 2011 events listing • Email TUC details of events planned for 28 April 2011 • AFL-CIO posters, stickers and resources • Hazards/ITUC global 28 April webpages and webpages on the Union Effect and the We didn't vote to die at work campaign • Risks 497
Hazards new,
12 March 2011
Britain: Councils cut health and safety enforcement
Local authority environmental health departments, which enforce safety in workplaces including offices, shops and warehouses, are suffering as a result of budget cuts, a survey has found. The erosion of safety enforcement is to be a 28 April Workers’ Memorial Day 2011 campaign target of the union Usdaw, whose members work predominantly in sectors covered by local authority enforcement.
Usdaw news report • Risks 496
Hazards news,
5 March 2011
Britain: Unite holds out for fair deal on farms
Farming employers should drop the insults and back a union claim for fair wages and a day off for Workers’ Memorial Day, agriculture union Unite has said. The union, which represents 154,000 agricultural workers, voiced its “disappointment” after the industry lobby group NFU described Unite’s pay claim, which includes the call for a 28 April public holiday, as “outrageous”.
Unite news release • NFU news release • TUC Workers' Memorial Day webpage • Global 28 April resources • Risks 493
Hazards news,
12 February 2011
Britain: Unite links farm pay claim to 28 April holiday
Farmworkers don’t just deserve better pay, they should be given a day off on 28 April to mark Workers’ Memorial Day, their union has said. In a pay claim submitted on behalf of 154,000 agricultural workers in England and Wales, Unite also calls for a public holiday to commemorate Workers' Memorial Day on 28 April.
Unite news release • TUC Workers’ Memorial Day webpage • Global 28 April resources • Risks 492
Hazards news,
5 February 2011
Global: Everyone wants a piece of 28 April
It wasn’t just Gordon Brown that saw the necessity to speak out on Workers’ Memorial Day. Around the globe, everyone from world leaders to international safety and health organisations have been chipping in. The 28 April event, which was created by unions and remains a union-led activity, was even the subject of a “presidential proclamation” from Barack Obama.
Presidential Proclamation • Risks 454
Hazards news,
1 May 2010
AUSTRALIA: 10,000 march on Deputy Prime Ministers' Office on Workers' Memorial Day more
ITUC: "Trade unions save lives": A message for the 28th of April Thousands of trade union events in more than 100 countries for the International day of dead and injured workers. more
CSI: "Les syndicats sauvent des vies": Tel est le message du 28 Avril Des milliers d’activités syndicales sont prévues à travers 100 pays à l’occasion de la Journée internationale de commémoration des travailleurs morts et blessés au travail. plus
CSI:"Los sindicatos salvan vidas": Mensaje para el 28 de Abril
Miles de eventos sindicales en más de 100 países para el Día Internacional de Conmemoración de los Trabajadores Muertos y Lesionados. más
ISP Día Internacional de la Seguridad y la Salud en el Trabajo Bajo el lema adoptado por los Sindicatos Mundiales para el año 2010 – “Los sindicatos dan más seguridad en el trabajo”-, este 28 de abril, Día Internacional de la Seguridad y la Salud en el Trabajo, conmemoramos a nuestros compañeros y compañeras que han perdido la vida o sufrido lesiones en sus puestos de trabajo. Más
ISP Journée mondiale de la sécurité et la santé au travail Dans le cadre du thème adopté par les Syndicats mondiaux pour 2010 - « Les syndicats rendent le travail plus sûr » - ce 28 avril, Journée mondiale de la sécurité et la santé au travail, nous rendons hommage à nos collègues qui ont perdu la vie ou ont été victimes d’un accident sur leur lieu de travail. Plus
PSI Under the banner theme adopted by the Global Unions for 2010, "Unions Make Work Safer," this April 28, International Workers' Memorial Day, we commemorate our fellow workers who have lost their lives or been injured in the workplace. More
AFL-CIO The nation's workplace safety laws and penalties are too weak to effectively protect workers, according to the new AFL-CIO annual report released today: Death on the Job: The Toll of Neglect. News release • Report
IUF: On April 28, remember: 'Zero Accidents' can be hazardous to your health! Flanked by an army of consultants and propagandists, employers increasingly promote the lie that workers are themselves to blame for the epidemic of workplace illness and death. more
USA: US secretary of labor Hilda Solis said "indeed, each day in this country, 14 workers lose their lives on the job. That is 14 workers too many," adding: ""Later this week, we will mark Workers’ Memorial Day. Let us take the time to reflect on and honor the love and contributions of those we’ve lost and to re-focus o...ur efforts on not only providing secure and rewarding jobs for every American worker, but safe ones as well." more
Save lives: join unions on this 28th April!
On the annual International Commemoration Day on 28th April, workers and trade unions around the world will commemorate those who have lost their lives, were injured or fell ill due to unsafe, unhealthy or unsustainable work. This year, the focus of activities is on the role trade unions play in making work safer. more
Sauvez des vies: adhérez à un syndicat ce 28 avril!
À l’occasion de la Journée internationale de commémoration des travailleurs morts et blessés au travail du 28 avril, les travailleurs et les syndicats du monde entier rendront hommage à ceux et celles qui ont perdu la vie, qui ont été blessés ou qui souffrent de maladies à cause de conditions de travail peu sûres, malsaines ou intolérables. Les activités menées cette année se concentreront sur le rôle que jouent les syndicats pour rendre le monde du travail plus sûr. plus
Salvemos vidas: ¡únase a los sindicatos este 28 de abril!
Los trabajadores y trabajadoras así como los sindicatos de todo el mundo conmemorarán, como lo hacen cada año el Día Internacional de Conmemoración el 28 de abril, a todos aquellos y aquellas que han perdido sus vidas, han resultado lesionados o han contraído una enfermedad a causa de un trabajo inseguro, insalubre o no sostenible. Este año, las actividades se centran en el papel que desempeñan los sindicatos para hacer que el trabajo resulte más seguro. más
International Metalworkers' Federation Under the global theme adopted by the Global Unions for 2010, "Unions Make Work Safer," metalworkers across the world commemorate the 15th international commemoration day for dead and injured workers this April 28. more
Global: BWI calls for action on 28 April
Construction unions worldwide are to undertake national, local and workplace level activities worldwide this year, to mark International Workers’ Memorial Day. “The BWI believes that trade unions must have the right of access to all workplaces to carry out their role of representing workers on health and safety and to provide external trade union support for workplace health and safety representatives,” a BWI briefing says.
BWI news update • briefing [pdf] and action checklist • TUC 28 April 2010 webpage and events listing • Global Unions 28 April resources • Risks 448
Hazards news,
20 March 2010
Britain: Unions make work safer every day
The worldwide theme for Workers’ Memorial Day on 28 April this year is to be ‘Unions make work safer.” The general theme – unions at national level can adapt it to fit local campaigns and priorities – was announced in a circular this week from the International Trade Union Confederation. Tell TUC what union safety organisation in your workplace has done – through active safety reps, effective safety committees, mapping exercises and union insistence that health and safety is a priority - to make work healthier and safer all round.
Send examples to TUC • TUC Workers’ Memorial Day webpages and union effect briefing • Global 28 April webpage and facebook page • Risks 442
Hazards news,
6 February 2010
Britain: Union welcome for 28 April recognition
The UK government’s official recognition of Workers’ Memorial Day has been met with a lot of praise from unions and a bit of now-we’ll-have-some-more-thank-you.
BFAWU news release • URTU news release • UCATT news release • UNISON news release • Risks 442
Hazards news,
6 February 2010
Britain: Campaigners point to true work toll
Union-backed workplace justice and safety groups have said the government’s formal recognition of Workers’ Memorial Day should be backed up with a new system of official statistics to recognise that tens of thousands, not hundreds, are killed by work every year. Families Against Corporate Killers (FACK) and the Hazards Campaign say the real toll demonstrates why there needs to be a renewed government emphasis on health and safety enforcement.
FACK news release • Hazards Campaign news release • Risks 442
Hazards news,
6 February 2010
Britain: Workers’ Memorial Day – it’s official!
The UK will officially recognise Workers’ Memorial Day to commemorate thousands of people who have died, been seriously injured or made ill through their work, cabinet minister Yvette Cooper has announced. To mark the day this year, the TUC is calling for two minute’s silence in workplaces up and down the country at noon on Wednesday 28 April.
DWP news release • TUC news release and Workers’ Memorial Day webpages • International 28 April website • Risks 441
Hazards news,
30 January 2010
USA: Honor fallen workers with a memorial brick
Construction of the national workers memorial to honor individuals killed on the job is under way at the National Labor College (NLC). Dedicated on Workers Memorial Day 2009, the memorial with more than 10,000 bricks and scores of granite benches and pavers, will be finished in time to commemorate this year’s Workers Memorial Day, April 28.
For more information, click here.
Hazards news, 28 January 2010
from earlier years |