Which face says it for you?
Tell us why you value the job union safety reps have been doing for the last 40 years and we will add you and your safety cube to our gallery.
Print off and build the cube then send it and your quote it to us by Email, Facebook or on Twitter using #bestface
Hazards, number 140, 2017
Tell Hazards what you value most about safety reps at work
Union safety reps have been a lifesaving presence for a working generation. They have saved the economy billions, prevented diseases and made sure accidents were not waiting to happen. Hazards is asking union reps and safety campaigners just what makes safety reps so good. And we want to hear from you too!
What best describes to you the value of safety reps? Talking to members? Challenging victimisation and management? Sharing knowledge? Or perhaps it's that safety reps discover and expose new risks.
Build your own cube Print off and make your own ‘show us your best face’ cube. Get writing, snapping, gluing or all three. Pick out the best face of safety from one of the six sides, take a photograph of you and the cube and tell us why you value the job of union safety reps.
Safety reps are the eyes and ears for my members, the HSE inspectors. If they do their job effectively we can do ours.
Neil Hope-Collins, Prospect
Safety reps are very much needed - in the smaller workplaces not just the large ones. Lots of workplaces don't have any cover, we need more safety reps.
Joanne Hill, mother of Cameron Minshull, killed aged 16 at work
They are the bread and butter of the union. Without them our members would be walked over by management. We ask the questions members are scared to ask for fear of victimisation.
Joan McNulty, Unison
We are lifesavers; we have to be organised, and by collective action we change workplaces to make them safer for all.
Ivan Timson, Unite
Safety reps are worth their weight in gold - it's the most important union role. They make a great contribution to keeping people safe. Unions secure many benefits for workers, but you have to be alive to spend your money.
Ian Hodson, president, BFAWU
Reps organise in the workplace and beyond and use their collective power to effect change.
Dianne Jones, UCU |
Reps look at the impact of corporate decisions on people's health, safety and well-being and hold those responsible to account.
Becky Evans, Unite, trade union tutor |
Safety reps have to fight so much prejudice, you have to put up with so much rubbish. But the work you're doing is so important.
Bernard Leach, co-founder of Greater Manchester Hazards Centre |
Safety reps are important for keeping us safe. Without them management can make our workplaces much more dangerous, ignore regs and increase risks.
Mags Hindle, Unison, Stockport Local Government branch