Hazards Cancer news
Work and health



Experts highlight spreading cancer risks News release 9 April 2008

Occupational and Environmental
Cancer Prevention

As a contribution to the global trade union zero occupational cancer campaign, an international conference will address a major threat to public health: the toll taken by occupational and environmental cancers. The 25 April 2008 event to be hosted by Stirling University, Scotland and supported by unions in the UK and across the world, will feature top union, campaign and academic experts from Australia, Belgium, Canada, France, Finland, the UK and USA.

Speakers from international health and safety agencies including the World Health Organisation, the European Agency (EU-OSHA) and the International Labour Organisation will also contribute. The conference will assess the best available policies and practices, including presentations from leading researchers and commercial organisations on toxics use reduction, from members of bodies such as the Canadian Cancer Prevention Coalition and from trade unions and non-governmental organisations.

Union safety specialists and safety representatives will have the opportunity to make contact with top international experts on occupational cancer causes and incidence and on prevention strategies.

Latest developments

Stirling work cancer conference papers Presentations from speakers now online

Pre conference information Iincluding registration details, maps, programme and travel information [pdf]

Occupational and Environmental Cancer Prevention - from research to policy to action at international, national and workplace levels
Friday, 25 April 2008, University of Stirling, Stirling, Scotland.

Registration forms/conference flyers

* Scientific/academic/politician/policy maker/individual lawyer/trade union officer
Registration form [pdf] • Conference flyer [pdf]

* Individual (trade union rep, community activist etc)
Registration form [pdf] • Conference flyer [pdf]

Conference details

Local accommodation [pdf]

Conference webpages, including conference programme, contact details and fees (including union reductions)

Conference programme [pdf]

Further information

Evonne Fleming
University of Stirling

Tel: + 44 (0) 1786 466337
Fax: + 44 (0) 1786 466344

